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  News and Highlights Archives

Youth Mental Health Summits Icon image

Join us at one of OVP’s 2024 Rise, Reclaim, Restore Youth Mental Health Summits - An exciting day of shared learning, workshops, and activities.

The Los Angeles County Office of Violence Prevention (OVP), in partnership with the Department of Mental Health and community partners, is excited to host an innovative series of five teen mental health summits. The summits will engage youth in a variety of activities where they will learn mindfulness strategies, how to recognize the signs that they or their friends may need help, and connect with other youth and local resources.

The Los Angeles County Office of Violence Prevention (OVP), in partnership with the Department of Mental Health and community partners, is excited to host an innovative series of five teen mental health summits. The summits will engage youth in a variety of activities where they will learn mindfulness strategies, how to recognize the signs that they or their friends may need help, and connect with other youth and local resources.

Our nation is in the midst of a crisis in teen mental health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Youth Risk Behavior Survey, which analyzed various trends from 2011 to 2021, said that more than 40% of high school students today reported “feeling so sad or hopeless that they could not engage in their regular activities for at least two weeks.” The survey also noted that in 2021, “almost 60% of female students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the previous year, and nearly 25% made a suicide plan.”

The OVP Rise, Reclaim Restore Youth Mental Health Summits provide a resource to promote youth mental health and wellbeing and are geared toward middle and high school students ages 12 to 18. Through educational workshops and hands-on activities, the summits will empower youth to navigate a clear path to mental health and personal well-being. Summits will take place January through April 2024 at various locations around Los Angeles County. Click here to view Youth Mental Summit flyer.

The program for the day includes three sections: Rise, Reclaim, and Restore.

  • Part I – RISE: The LA County Department of Mental Health will lead youth through the “It’s Real” Curriculum, a program that raises awareness about mental health issues, how to start a conversation about mental health, the importance of self-care, and how to reach out for help.
  • Part II – RECLAIM: LA County Office of Violence Prevention will guide youth through an activity to identify their “pods” or the people at school, home, and their community who can support their mental health and wellbeing. Youth will also set a mental health goal.
  • Part III – RESTORE: Youth will participate in a rotating activity with local mental health organizations and agencies.

Summits will also be held in South Los Angeles, (April 13) and Westside/ San Fernando Valley (April 27). For more information, and to register for any of these summits, please visit our Eventbrite at Registration includes submission of emergency contacts and completion of a consent form.

Community members join Dr. Ferrer at the public release of OVP's Gun Violence Prevention Platform

Public Release of OVP’s Gun Violence Prevention Platform

In April 2023, the Los Angeles County Office of Violence Prevention, housed in the Department of Public Health, publicly released the County’s 40-point Gun Violence Prevention Platform. Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director of Public Health, made the announcement at a press conference in front of the County Hall of Administration. “Without sustained, meaningful action on gun violence we are all but conceding the future, and we are noting that it will be no better than our grim present – perhaps worse,” she said.

The Gun Violence Prevention Platform, developed in June 2022 by a Task Force consisting of mental health and health care professionals, public health practitioners, and community partners, identified four priority action areas as critical first steps in making Los Angeles County safe and secure for all: Legislation, Social Connections and Healing, Gun Violence Restraining Orders, and School Safety and Services.

Dr. Ferrer was joined at the podium by David Guizar of Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, Kevin Orange, Trauma Prevention Initiative Community Intervention Worker; and Dr. Susan Stone, Senior Medical Director with L.A. Care Health Plan. Both Guizar and Orange lost brothers to gun violence. They spoke movingly about the necessity of providing critical services and coming together as a community in support of peace, security, and healing.

Dr. Stone stated that physicians are became increasingly engaged in the effort to reduce gun violence, including asking patients if they have a gun in the house. “Gun violence is our lane.”

“The Gun Violence Prevention Platform represents one of the most extensive, multi-faceted plans ever put forth by the County to address gun violence,” noted Dr. Ferrer. “It rejects the idea – all too common – that we have no choice but to resign ourselves to this insidious threat to daily life and wellbeing.”

The Task Force is expected to release a progress report around the four priorities this summer. If you would like to get involved, please contact us at 626-293-2610 or

View Gun Violence Prevention PlatformPDF Icon

Supervisor Hahn speaking at podium during the Gun Violence Restraining Order Press Conference held on August 8

Increasing Access to Gun Violence Restraining Orders

A motion approved August 8 by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors calls on the Office of Violence Prevention, housed in the Department of Public Health, to lead an initial campaign that is culturally and linguistically relevant to increase public awareness of Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs). The authors of the motion, Board Chair Janice Hahn and Supervisor Hilda Solis, discussed its significance at a press conference hours before the Supervisors voted in favor of the motion, which also directed OVP to collect and publicly share data on GVROs and to coordinate with law enforcement and community- based organizations on training. They were joined at the podium by Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director of the Department of Public Health; Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Acting Captain Robert Peacock; and Mia Livas Porter with Moms Demand Action. Mia Livas Porter spoke movingly about how GVROs have the potential to prevent tragedies. Thirty years ago, her brother used a gun to take his own life.

Approved by the California Legislature in 2016, GVROs allow the courts to temporarily remove guns and ammunition from a person who poses a threat to themselves or others anywhere between 21 days and 5 years. The subject of the order is also not permitted to purchase guns or ammunition during the designated time.

While GVROs are seen as an effective tool to reduce gun violence, they have been woefully underused in LA County. In the period from 2016 to 2022, only 266 GVROs were issued, and 95% of those were requested by law enforcement, even though family members, co-workers, friends, and a person in a dating relationship are eligible to seek a GVRO.

“We have a public health crisis facing us that demands a comprehensive public health solution,” said Dr. Ferrer. “GVROs and other legal protection orders are based on the idea that each of us can contribute to building a more peaceful society. Today’s motion asks that we do more to make sure the option of filing a GVRO is available and utilized.”

Survivor's Week Promo

National Gun Violence Survivors Week- Awareness Tools and Education

January 22-26,2024 is National Gun Violence Survivors Week - a time to come together and amplify the stories and voices of gun violence survivors. Here are some resources to learn more:

Local Events

Westmont Community
Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice (CSSJ) Survivor Speak at Cease Fire Meeting
Location: Bethel AME Church, 7900 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90047
Date: January 24, 2024, Time: 7:00 pm

Gun Violence Survivor, Catherine "Cat" Clark-Perkins, will be sharing her story of survival against gun violence and how it has led her to advocate for community safety and healing. Cat is the Coordinator for the CSSJ LA Chapter, a member of the African American Advisory Committee of the LA County District Attorney, and a cohort member of the Office of Violence, and the LA County Domestic Violence Council Violence Prevention System Mapping Project.

Connect with Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice (CSSJ) of the Los Angeles Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice at , follow them in Instagram @cssjustice or listen to their podcast, Centering the Voices of Survivors.

Monterey Park
Resiliency Workshop
Location:Sierra Vista Park Community Center, 311 N Rural Dr, Monterey Park, CA 9175
Date: January 22, 2024, 10AM–11AM

Learn themes of resiliency, community-building, and perseverance! The Resiliency Center provides group counseling for those affected by gun violence in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.

Registration is free at and learn more about other community engagement for restoration and healing.

National Events

Join the National Discussion
Moments That Survive 2024 Changemakers Conversation
Location: Join the virtual meeting
Date: Jan 24, 5pm PST

Learn themes of resiliency, community-building, and perseverance! The Resiliency Center provides group counseling for those affected by gun violence in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.

Learn how survivors everyday lives have changed as a result of gun violence, and share your own story on the #MomentsThatSurvive Memory Wall or

Please Remember to Self-Care If at any time you begin to feel stressed or uneasy, please visit our Trauma Informed Care page for grounding exercises. Please feel free to share all links with others.

June is Gun Violence Awareness Month

June is Gun Violence Awareness Month

June is Gun Violence Awareness Month, an opportunity for Americans to collectively honor those affected by gun violence and to advocate for policies that will lead to a more peaceful society. This year’s event occurs at a time when tremendous energy and resources are being devoted to reducing gun violence across all communities. Organizations such as Brady United, Everytown for Gun Safety,Giffords Law Center, Moms Demand Action,Sandy Hook Promise, Students Demand Action and WoMen Against Gun Violence, are seeking and achieving change locally and around the country. Their groundbreaking work inspires each of us.

Along with these organizations, the Los Angeles County Office of Violence Prevention is committed to reducing gun violence deaths, life altering injuries and their social-emotional impacts. In April 2023, OVP released a 40-point Gun Violence Prevention Platform, which was developed in partnership with mental health professionals, emergency room physicians, faith based and community-based leaders, educators, survivors, and public health practitioners. The Platform lifts four priorities: Social Connections and Healing, Gun Violence Restraining Orders, Legislation, and School Safety and Services, to reduce gun violence across all communities. The Platform provides community organizations, local governments, faith-based groups, parent associations, business leaders and others with a blueprint to build safer communities.

We invite you to join with us to end gun violence, here are a few simple ways:

  1. Learn the Facts. Share the Facts. There are many individuals and groups who make claims to justify the proliferation of guns in our society (400 million guns and counting). There are also many myths surrounding guns and gun violence. We must vigorously counter these views with strong data, solid information, and personal stories.
  2. Contact your member of Congress and United States Senators and urge them to support and advocate for bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and act in favor of universal background checks and gun safe storage.
  3. Learn more about Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) and other legal tools to remove firearms from people intent on harming themselves and/or others.
  4. Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors about safe gun storage, including the use of trigger locks and locked cabinets. There is no more important protection against the tragic, horrifying gun accidents that kill hundreds of teenagers and children each year.
  5. Write a letter to the editor or post to social media. By simply sharing messages, you can affect change.

Get Involved! The only way we will truly be able to eliminate gun violence is if we all work together collectively and collaboratively to ensure that violence is no longer the norm, no matter our individual areas of focus, perspectives and/or biases. Working together to prevent violence and promote healing has tremendous value and benefit for all of us. Everyone has a part and role to play. If you would like more information about how you can get involved, or would like to join our mailing list, please contact us.

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. National Domestic Violence Awareness Month was established 37 years ago to create a dialogue about domestic/intimate partner violence (DV/IPV), to advocate for legislation and protections for survivors, educate leaders, encourage public awareness and action against DV/IPV, and bring together all who work to address and end gender-based violence in our community.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men report having experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Survivors face negative health outcomes with long-term effects, and can experience mental health problems, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. One in six homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner.

Domestic/intimate partner violence is a public health issue in California that affects all, regardless of race, religion, occupation, educational level, culture, socio-economic status, or sexual orientation. However, survivors from racial and ethnic communities and historically underserved populations often encounter additional barriers to seeking safety and receiving effective assistance. Addressing DV/IPV requires implementation of a comprehensive, coordinated, and survivor-centered programming.

DV/IPV intersects with other critical social health issues including, but not limited to housing and homelessness, substance abuse and chemical dependency, community violence and gang violence, child abuse and child welfare, mental health, poverty, legal criminal systems, and health care access.

The Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Council (DVC) supports the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s national #Every1KnowsSome1 campaign, in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. On Thursday, October 19th, wear purple for Purple Thursday to show your support for domestic violence survivors and your commitment to ending abuse! Take a selfie in your purple and share it on social media with #PurpleThursday

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please call the LA County Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-978-3600 for assistance. For more information:

May is Mental Health Month art

May is Mental Health Month!

Each May, OVP joins the national movement to uplift the importance of mental health as an important part of overall wellbeing. In support of this goal, the Los Angeles County Gun Violence Prevention Platform seeks to increase access to culturally relevant healing services and mental health support by investing in strategies that promote protective factors such as increasing feelings of belonging and social connection, creating opportunities for healing, and implementing trauma-informed care practices.

To advance this priority, OVP is hosting four opportunities to learn how to recognize and respond to mental health challenges in our community.

We are also partnering with Department of Parks and Recreation and Department of Arts and Culture to host two healing-centered events for teens.

Additionally, we created a Mental Health Month Mindfulness calendar to provide an easy-to-use list of examples of mindfulness activities and resources. Click here PDF Icon to access to the calendar and to share it with others!

Together, we can all play a role in normalizing the importance of and providing support for mental health. Join us!

OVP News

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, bringing the attention of policymakers, service providers, and the public to a largely hidden problem. In the U.S., human trafficking is defined as a crime where one person exploits another for labor, services, or commercial sex, using force, fraud, or coercion. Any commercial sex act including a person under the age of 18 is also considered human trafficking.

The International Labor Organization estimates that in 2021, nearly 28 million people in the world experienced forced labor, or what we call human trafficking. That figure includes over six million people forced into sexual exploitation, 17 million forced into other forms of labor exploitation, and nearly four million people forced into state-imposed labor (such as abusive, compulsory prison labor). About 12% of trafficking cases involve children. These numbers have all increased in recent years, secondary to the COVID-19 pandemic, global armed conflict, and displacement due to climate change. In high income countries like the U.S., over 4 in 1,000 people experience human trafficking.

Labor and sex trafficking happen more often than most people realize, in big cities, rural towns and suburbs throughout the US and here in LA County. Most cases remain invisible. People of all races, ages and genders are trafficked, though people who are vulnerable because of poverty, unstable immigration status, homelessness, and discrimination against them face higher risk.

For immediate assistance related to human trafficking, please call the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking hotline (CAST) at 1-888-539-2373 ( or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to 233733.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Victim Assistance website has a guide to human trafficking, including a variety of resources and contact information.

This webpage describes Los Angeles County’s efforts to address child sex trafficking: If you have additional concerns or questions about human trafficking, you can also call the Domestic Violence Council hotline, 1-800-978-3600.

Other resources:

Veteran's Day

Help for Veterans, 2022

On September 29, 2022, Los Angeles County publicly launched its first ever Veteran Suicide Review Team (VSRT). The VSRT is co-chaired by the Departments of Mental Health, Public Health – Office of Violence Prevention, Department of the Medical Examiner/Coroner, and the Veterans Administration, along with a multidisciplinary team of representatives from the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, City of Los Angeles, Didi Hirsch and other county, state, and federal entities.

The VSRT will evaluate the circumstances leading to and surrounding the suicide deaths of veterans who died in Los Angeles County in order to develop and enhance system-level intervention and prevention measures to prevent suicide among veterans.

The Board of Supervisors approved a motion in May of this year that created the VSRT. At the team’s first meeting, Supervisor Kathryn Barger, said: “We have a golden opportunity to use all the resources and expertise we have at county, state, and federal levels to put the pieces of this puzzle together to course correct and prevent the loss of lives to suicide.”

Suicide is a public health crisis that affects every Los Angeles County resident, especially the veteran community. Los Angeles has one of the highest number of veterans of any county in the country. Reducing suicide rates is possible and based on data throughout the country, death by suicide can be reduced.

According to information provided by the Los Angeles County Office of Violence Prevention, of the 323 suicides identified in the County between January and May 2022, 31 were veterans, all of them male. Nearly 75% of that total were men under the age of 55.

“Every man and woman who served our country that ends up taking their life by suicide was not reached in time,” said Jim Zenner, Director of LA County’s Department of Military and Veteran Affairs and an army veteran, at the kickoff meeting. “We missed an opportunity to connect with them. We must do more to bring them in, to help them feel like they are a part of the community.”

From November 7th – 13th, LA County Board of Supervisors and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (MVA) joins the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Association of County Veteran Service Officers (NACVSO) in their efforts to spearhead Operation Green Light for Veterans. As part of Operation Green Light, county buildings and landmarks across the county will be illuminated green to show support for our nation’s veterans.

For more resources:

Community Partnership Council

Violence, Hope, and Healing in Los Angeles County

In the fall of 2020, the Los Angeles County Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) and the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) embarked on a groundbreaking project to record the stories of people across the County whose lives have been impacted by violence. The Storytelling Project resulted in the publication this fall of the landmark book, "Violence, Hope and Healing in Los Angeles County." In addition to the 31 stories contained in the book, there will be additional stories shared on the website.

On November 16, 2022, the Storytelling Project Team that included members from the Department of Arts and Culture, OVP and Creative Strategist Olga Koumoundouros received the Collaboration Award during the Department of Public Health's Giving Thanks Employee Appreciation Event at Grand Park in Downtown Los Angeles. The award, which recognizes "Outstanding Commitment to Los Angeles County Residents," was presented by Dr. Deborah Allen, Deputy Director, Health Promotion Bureau, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

2022 Grand Park Event

Find out more about the Storytelling Project

Community Partnership Council

TPI Receives 2022 Model Practice Award – National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO)

In August 2022, TPI was honored to be recognized as a “Model Practice” at the NACCHO Annual Conference in Atlanta, highlighting our partnership with community leaders and county departments to build community driven public safety in the county. Click here for a video that was created for the award, and for information about other model practices that were recognized.

OVP LA Care Logo

2022 Gun Violence Prevention Summit

On Friday, December 9, 2022, the Los Angeles County Office of Violence Prevention, in collaboration with L.A. Care Health Plan, brought together multiple sectors and subject matter experts for a Gun Violence Prevention Summit, to elevate gun violence as a significant public health crisis. The event was held at L.A. Care headquarters in downtown Los Angeles and brought together over 60 leaders in the fields of health care, mental health, public health, and academia, plus advocates, survivors, and leaders from faith-based and community-based organizations.

2022 Grand Park Event

During the first hour, Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, and John Baackes, L.A. Care CEO, moderated a conversation with Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith, Dean of the College of Medicine at Charles R. Drew University, and Dr. Susan Stone, L.A. Care Emergency Room Physician, and Senior Medical Director. Dr. Prothrow-Stith and Dr. Stone discussed the need for collaboration, system solutions and more research, as well as how agencies and fields can work together to stem the epidemic of gun violence that affects so many communities in the County.

The remainder of the four-hour summit consisted of two breakout sessions in which participants considered these and other questions:

  1. “In what ways has gun violence impacted the people you work with in your area?”
  2. “What work has your organization implemented in the past?”
  3. “How can we improve system coordination and move beyond silos?”
  4. “What are gun violence ideas/solutions that your sector can be involved in to help address this issue?”
The theme of the Summit was best outlined by Dr. Ferrer, in her opening remarks:

“It’s not inevitable that we live with escalating gun violence. We can collectively raise solutions and move to action. Living through the pandemic, we’ve seen the best of how our community comes together to take care of each other.”

2022 Grand Park Event

OVP News

January is National Stalking Awareness Month

This January marks National Stalking Awareness Month. In his federal proclamation noting the event, President Biden called stalking “an insidious crime”. According to the Stalking Prevention, Awareness and Resource Center (SPARC), 57% of intimate partner stalking victims are stalked during the relationship, while 81% of women stalked by a current or former husband or cohabitating partner were also physically assaulted by that partner. The SPARC also reports that “Stalking increases the risk of intimate partner homicide by three times”.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has put together an informative pamphlet in English and Spanish that covers the definition of stalking, what to do if you’re being stalked, victim services, and where to find help.

If you or someone you know is in need of domestic violence services or support. please call the Los Angeles County Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-978-3600 or visit Domestic Violence Council (

You can reach the SPARC via email at

Domestic Violence Month

Saluting Nicole Rojas in honor of National Native American Heritage Month

Nicole Rojas, born and raised in East Los Angeles, participated in the landmark book "Violence, Hope, and Healing in Los Angeles County." In fact, her story is the first listed in the bound edition.

At the September 30 book launch, Nicole, whose indigenous ancestry is Yaqui, not only appeared on the panel, she performed "Women Warrior Song" by First Nation People in Canada. As Nicole explained, the song is a remembrance of the missing and murdered indigenous people of that country. 

"I need to be the voice so they will not be forgotten."

Domestic Violence Month

This October marks the 35th anniversary of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

While much progress has been made in that time to support domestic violence victims and survivors, more work needs to be done. According to 2020 data from the National Network to End Domestic Violence, on a typical day, local domestic violence hotlines around the country receive 19,159 calls, or 13 per minute. In 2018, 65% of all murder-suicides in the United States involved an intimate partner; 96% of the victims of these crimes were female. In California, 39.9% of women and 31.1% of men experience intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking in their lifetimes.

The LA County Domestic Violence Council (DVC) is a leader in the effort to address issues impacting survivors of domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV). The DVC also advises the Board of Supervisors and other County Departments on DV/IPV related issues. On October 18, from noon to 2 p.m., the DVC, in conjunction with the LA City Domestic Violence Alliance, is holding a virtual celebration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The organization will be honoring this year's recipients of DVC awards. For more information, go to: Domestic Violence Awareness Month Awards. (Registration in advance is required to attend this event)

Suicide Prevention Month

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide is a significant public health issue and is the fourth leading cause of death in Los Angeles County.

The Office of Violence Prevention and the entire Department of Public Health remain committed to preventing suicide and self-harm in our communities. This includes prioritizing opportunities to learn about suicide, understand the warning signs and risk factors, and engage in opportunities for advocacy and support.

This suicide prevention month:

Join us in attending the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Network’s 12th annual Suicide Prevention Summit, themed “Healing Pathways for Support and Connection. Click here to register.

Explore CalMHSA’s Annual Suicide Prevention Activation Kit, which includes downloadable activities resources for community members, parents, teachers, local governments, and more. (English| Spanish)

Join the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for a suicide prevention and loss remembrance Community Walk near you.

We all have an important role to play in preventing suicide and self-harm in our communities. Let’s work to end suicide and self-harm together!

OVP is hiring

Leading with Excellence: 34th Annual Productivity and Quality Awards

The Trauma Prevention Initiative (TPI) receives the Commission Special Award Winner for Outstanding Teamwork Award - TPI: Putting the Public Back in Public Safety. Read all about the TPI Initiative here.

OVP is hiring

Public Health Week Celebrates Trauma Prevention Initiative Expansion, April 6, 2022

On April 6, 2022, Public Health hosted a community event highlighting the countywide expansion of the Trauma Prevention Initiative (TPI), at Mona Park in Willowbrook. Each April, Public Health convenes a series of events, along with public health departments across the country, during Public Health Week. This event was a celebration of community partners where TPI began in South LA, the importance of meaningful partnerships with community leaders, and the need for sustained investment in Peer approaches to promote peace and reduce retaliatory violence.

For a summary of the TPI expansion and the event, click here.

Listen to LA County's Department of Public Health's Podcast Episode 7 "Reducing Violence In LA County" featuring interviews with Dr. Ferrer & Norma Garcia, Sup. Mitchell, Andrea Welsing, and Kevin Orange:

Listen Now on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services