Child Welfare Public Nursing Program

Child Welfare Public Nursing Program (CWPHN)
The Child Welfare Public Nursing Program (CWPHN) is a public health nursing program located in county child welfare service agencies and probation departments to provide public health nurse expertise in meeting the medical, dental, mental and developmental needs of children and youth in foster care.
CWPHN Public Health Nurses (PHN) provide the following services:
          Arrow bullet Image Coordinate medical, dental and mental health care
Arrow bullet Image Coordinate health services for children in out-of-county and out-of-state placements
Arrow bullet Image Expedite referrals for medical, dental, mental health and developmental services
Arrow bullet Image Provide medical education and training for Foster Care team members, Probation Officers, Judges, School Nurses and Caregivers on the special health care needs of children and youth in foster care
Arrow bullet Image Participate in the creation and updating of the Health and Education Passport for every child as required
Arrow bullet Image Assist Children s Social Workers to interpret medical report and medical findings.
Arrow bullet Image Assist foster caregivers to obtain timely comprehensive health assessments and dental examination.
FosterCare Kid with bear

Fusion Forms / Policies


Form Name Link
Child Health Evaluation ChildHealthEvaluation.doc
CMS External Correspondence Letterhead CMSExternalCorrespondenceLetterhead.docx
DPH Letterhead DPHLetterhead.docx
Continuing Education Form Nurses ContinuingEducationForm.pdf
DCFS1696 Form DCFS1696.docx
Fax Cover Sheet FaxCoverSheet.doc
General Medical Records Request GeneralMedicalRecordsRequest.doc
HCPCFC PHN Priorities PHNPriorities.doc
HIPPA form HIPPAForm.doc
Kaiser Medical Record Request KaiserMedicalRecordsRequest.doc
LAC-USC Medical Records Request LACUSCMedicalRecordRequest.docx
Medical Training Confirmation MedicalTrainingConfirmation.doc
N2N Report N2NReport.doc
PHN Assessment Note PHNAssessmentNote.doc
PHN F-Rate Assessment Template PHNFRateAssessmentTemplate.doc
PHN Progress Note PHNProgressNote.doc
ROI Request for Info Central ROIRequestInfoCentral.docx
Sign In/Out Sheet SignInOutSheet.doc
Site Form SitePolicyPHNWorksheet.docx
Time Off Request TimeOffRequest.pdf
Timecard Correction PHD TimeCardCorrectionPHD.pdf

Home Visit

Form Name Link
PHN Route Sheet - Attachment A PHNRouteSheet.xls
PHN Assessment Guideline Tool - Attachment C PHNAssessmentGuidelineTool.DOC
HV Note - Attachment D HVNote.doc
Out of County Followup - Attachment E OutCountyFollowup.pdf


Policy Name Link
Child Visit Policy ChildVisitPolicy.pdf
Coverage Policy CoveragePolicy.pdf
Customer Service Standards (CHDP Program) CustomerServiceStandardsCHDPProgram.doc
Documentation Policy DocumentationPolicyFinal.pdf
FC Consultation Policy FCConsultationPolicy.pdf
Hospital Log Procedure FCHospitalLogProdecure.pdf
F-Rate Criteria FRateCriteria.pdf
F-Rate Policy FRatePolicy.pdf
ITC General Desk Guidelines ITCGeneralDeskGuidelines.PDF
Nurse to Nurse Report NurseToNurseReport.pdf
Out of County FC Followup Guidelines OutCountyFCFollowupGuidelines.PDF
PHN Roles and Assignment Criteria PHNRolesAssignmentCriteria.pdf
Processing Raw PM160 ProcessingRawPM160.PDF
Psychotropic Medication (PMA) PsychotropicDrugs.PDF
Scanned Secondary Assignment Policy ScanedSecondaryAssigmentPolicy.pdf
Site Policy SitePolicy.pdf


PE Document Name Link
Agreement of Understanding AgreementOfUnderstandingPE.pdf
CMS Office Operations CMSOfficeOperations.pdf
Mileage Cert MileageCert2014.pdf
Pull Notice PullNotice.pdf
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Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services