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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health


MCAH Programs


Conference Presentations

Interconception and Preconception Health Summit

This summit introduced the evidence-based interconception care guidelines developed through the Interconception Care Project for California. Learn to incorporate the recommended guidelines into the postpartum visit to maximize risk reduction and improve women's health and future pregnancy outcomes.

  • Agenda
  • Welcome
  • Maternal Obesity
  • Bleeding and Associated Disorders
  • Gestational Diabetes and Abnormal Glucose Tolerance
  • C-Section and Interconception Care
  • Genitourinary and Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Mental Disorders and Domestic Violence  
  • Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Keys to Improving the Life Course Trajectory
  • Tobacco and Drug Dependence
  • Neurologic Disorders
  • Implementing the Interconception Recommendations
  • Wrap-up and Evaluation

    Preconception Health Update

    Preconception and interconception care is an important part of health services for all adolescents and adults of reproductive age. Learn how health care providers, administrators, and community outreach workers in Los Angeles County integrated preconception health into their work.

  • Agenda
  • Preconception Health & Health Care - Before, Between & Beyond Pregnancy
  • Preconception Health in Los Angeles County
  • South Central Family Health Center
  • Preconception Health Counseling: Preconception Health Counseling: The Puzzle of Implementation and Practice in the Family Planning Clinical Setting
  • Integrating Preconception Health at WIC
  • Focus the Message
  • Putting Preconception Health into Practice: Provider's perspectives
  • Preconception & Interconception Care: Integration into Family Planning Clinics
  • Next Step

    For more information on integrating interconception and preconception health into practice, please visit the Resource page.

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