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Meet the SIDS Parents - My Story
Product Recall & Unsafe Use of Carseat
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The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Program provides mandated follow-up and
support services by public health nurses and social workers of the Los Angeles
County Department of Public Health include but are not limited to
information about SIDS, community resources for coping with infant loss for the
entire family (both adults and children), and burial support.
Health Problems:
SIDS is one of the leading causes of infant death
African-American SIDS rates are 2.5 times higher than the rest of the population
To enhance the health of Los Angeles County infants and their mothers
Reduce the number of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) deaths
Assure PHN contact with families to provide grief counseling & referral and to advise family of final diagnosis
Receipt of Presumptive SIDS cases from coroner’s office and referral to district PHN
Outreach campaign to educate parents on how to reduce the risk of SIDS (e.g. sleep on back, avoid tobacco smoke, avoid overheated bedrooms)
Trainings for SIDS families so that they can help other SIDS families deal with grief
Trainings for hospital staff, public health nurses, emergency responders, coroners, and the general public on SIDS facts and dealing with the emotional impact
Information to the public on the latest research concerning SIDS and its potential causes
It maintains epidemiological data of Los Angeles County SIDS and other sudden, unexpected infant deaths.
Presumptive SIDS cases received from Coroner office
Target Population
All families with presumptive SIDS referrals from Coroner in LAC
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Training for Public
Health Professionals California SIDS Program,
April 18, 2013 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:
Overview of Current Theories and Research
(Power Point Presentation)