Note: The LAMB Follow Up Project ended in 2021. No data will be shared with external researchers
About LAMB Follow-Up
The Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) Project is a public health surveillance project developed by the Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Programs of Los Angeles County in 2004. The LAMB Project collects countywide population-based data on maternal attitudes and experiences before, during, and shortly after pregnancy. The LAMB data provides additional information to supplement vital statistics from birth and death certificates, which have been traditionally used to assist state and local maternal, child, and infant health programs in program and policy development. Since its inception in 2005, the project has helped community programs design strategies with an emphasis on preconception and interconception health to improve birth outcomes.
In 2014, the LAMB Follow-Up re-interviewed mothers who responded to the LAMB survey in 2012 when the index child turns two. The purpose of LAMB Follow-Up is to collect and provide quality and useful data to Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) stakeholders and community partners. It is designed to find out more about the health and early childhood experiences of young children in Los Angeles. The ultimate goal is for each child in Los Angeles County be provided equal opportunity to develop a strong foundation that will prepare them for personal growth across the rest of their lives.
- Expand existing maternal and child Health surveillance system in Los Angeles County;
- Provide a comprehensive longitudinal data on social determinant, health and wellbeing of mothers, infants, and toddlers in LA County;
- Assist in evaluating policies and public health intervention targeting mothers, infants, and toddlers;
- Advance the understanding of how child behavior, health care system, and family practices contribute to health of LA County’s 2-year-olds.
Survey Topics
Maternal Health & Well-being
- Access to Health Care
- Health Conditions
- Psychosocial & Health Behavioral Factors
Child Health & Early Childhood Development
- Access to Health Care
- Health Conditions since Birth
- Psychosocial & Health Behavioral Factors
- Early Childhood Developmental Screening & Services
- Child Care
Family Capacity
Coordinated Services & Support
Neighborhood & Community
2014 LAMB Follow Up Survey Finding
2016 LAMB Follow Up Survey Finding
2018 LAMB Follow Up Survey Finding
Diana Liu at dliw@ph.lacounty.gov
Resource Links
Paving the Road to Safety For Our Children: A Prevention Plan for Los Angeles County
Pathways to Progress: Indicators of Young Child Well-Being in Los Angeles County
Strengthening Home Visiting in Los Angeles County - A Plan to Improve Child, Family, and Community Well-being
Promoting Young Children's Optimal Development: Help Me Grow - Los Angeles Early Design and Planning Recommendations
The State of Early Care and Education in Los Angeles County
First 5 LA Building Strong Families
Interagency Council of Child Abuse and Neglect (ICAN)
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education (OAECE)
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) Children's Medical Services
Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
Regional Centers
Center for the Study of Social Policy: Ideas Into Action - Protective Factors Framework
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Child Development
Zero to Three
State of Babies Yearbook 2020
Equity in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
National Training & Technical Assistance for Children, Youth & Family Mental Health
Blueprint for Change: A national framework for a system of services for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN)