Los Angeles County
Partnership to Eliminate Disparities in Infant Mortality
Action Learning Collaborative
What is the Partnership to Eliminate Disparities in Infant Mortality
Action Learning Collaborative?
The Partnership to Eliminate Disparities in Infant Mortality Action Learning Collaborative (PEDIM ALC) is a national collaboration that includes five other states with a goal to reduce and eventually eliminate racial disparities in infant mortality. Los Angeles County (LAC) joined the collaboration in 2008 and has been a strong member ever since. The main focus of the PEDIM ALC is to enhance awareness among the community and health care providers that institutionalized racism impacts birth outcomes and infant health.
Vision Statement
To eliminate racial inequities contributing
to infant mortality in Los Angeles County
urban areas based on a life course perspective.
Mission Statement
To increase capacity at the community, State,
and local levels to address the impact of
racism on birth outcomes and infant health
in urban areas of LAC.
- Develop quarterly briefs describing
and addressing racism and its relationships
to birth outcomes in LAC. Disseminate
to key community partners and providers.
- Identify and distribute existing
educational materials (videos, PowerPoints,
articles, etc.) that relate to infant
mortality and racism. Hold trainings
and discussion groups for providers
and the community in SPA 1 and 6.
- Design LAC-ALC website which will
serve as a one point information center
for LAC residents to inquire resources
and best practices relating to infant
mortality and undoing racism.
Taking the First Steps: Experiences of Six Community/State Teams Addressing Racism’s Impacts on Infant Mortality
New Team Profiles from the Infant Mortality and Racism
Action Learning Collaborative, a project of the
Partnership to Eliminate Disparities in Infant Mortality.
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