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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health

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MCAH Programs

Contact Information

Los Angeles County
Department of Public Health
Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health Programs

600 S. Commonwealth Ave.,
8th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Tel: (213) 639-6400
Fax: (213) 639-1034
MCAH Program Poster Gallery

Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Programs


LAMB Advisory Summit, May 11, 2016, Magnolia Place

Embracing a Life Course Framework for Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Program Operations - presented by MCAH Program Director at the The 3rd National Summit on Preconception Health and Health Care: Improving Preconception Health in a New Era of Health Care, June 12-14, 2011 Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida

Los Angeles County Preconception Health Collaborative: Promoting Health through the Life Course  - presented by MCAH Program Director at the The 3rd National Summit on Preconception Health and Health Care: Improving Preconception Health in a New Era of Health Care, June 12-14, 2011 Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida

Perinatal Mental Health in Los Angeles County – From Data to Policy Action  - presented by MCAH Program Director at the 2011 Western Regional Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (MCH EPI) Conference, CityMatCH, June 19 - 20, 2011 San Francisco, California

Mother's Report of Early Child Care Experiences - Finding from the 2012 LAMB Cohort - presented at CityMatCH, September 13-16, 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Five Year Plan

Black Infant Health Programs

Black Infant Health (BIH) Program

Child Health Outreach Initiative

A Decade of Assistance: The Highlights and Challenges of Working to Reduce the Number of Uninsured Children in Los Angeles County

Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program

Comprehensive Perinatal Services Programs - Improving the Quality of Individualized Care Plan

Nurse Family Partnership and Prenatal Care Guidance

The Bigger Picture: Defining Success in NFP/PCG Programs

Fetal Infant Mortality Project, Sudden Infant Death & New Born Screening Programs

Making a Difference in Infant Health: Saving Lives - Increasing Safety - Preventing Injuries

Preconception Health

A Life Course Perspective on Women's Health

Reproductive Health

Los Angeles County Maternal Care Quality Improvement Project: Reducing Maternal Hemorrhage: A Multi-Tiered Approach

Reproductive Health Intern Abstract

Research Evaluation and Planning Unit

Research, Evaluation and Planning

Selected Maternal and Infant Health Indicators from the 2005 Los Angeles County Mommy and Baby Survey

Los Angeles Health Overview of A Pregnancy Event (LAHOPE) Project

LA HOPE Poster 2005 Data

LA HOPE Poster 2006 Data

Los Angeles County Action Learning Collaborative

Partnership to Eliminate Disparities in Infant Mortality Action Learning Collaborative

2009 Summer Intern Poster Session

Building Sustainable Infrastructure to Support Healthy Weight Among Women of Reproductive Age in Los Angeles County

Defining unintended pregnancy as a risk factor for physical violence by an intimate partner during pregnancy: An analysis of the 2007 Los Angeles Mommy and Baby Survey

Identification and Trends of Common Pregnancy Complications in California from 1999-2007: Implications for the Postpartum Visit

Improving Worksite Wellness Programs by Addressing Managerial Barriers

Learning the Barriers that African American Women Face

Los Angeles County Perinatal Depression Screening Practices Among Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program Providers

Prenatal Care Provider Discussion of Flu Vaccine Data from the 2007 Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) Survey

The Relationship Among Pre-pregnancy BMI, Pregnancy Weight Gain, and Self-Reported Postpartum Depression

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