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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health

Public Charge: What You Need to Know

MCAH Programs

Contact Information

Los Angeles County
Department of Public Health
Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health Programs

600 S. Commonwealth Ave.,
8th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Tel: (213) 639-6400
Fax: (213) 639-1034
LAMB Advisory Summit

On May 11, 2016, the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Programs (MCAH) held its first LAMB Advisory Summit at the Magnolia Place. Over 40 community stakeholders attended. The Summit provided an opportunity to share LAMB findings. We hope these findings will inform initiatives to improve maternal, infant, and toddler health in our communities. We would like to thank the Summit Planning Committee members who made the event possible. A big "thank you" to all the dedicated LAMB Project staff, moms who responded to the LAMB surveys, and Summit participants who provided valuable input to guide the LAMB Project.

LAMB Advisory Summit Planning Committee

  • Suzanne Bostwick, MCAH Program Interim Director
  • Fernanda Crivici, MPH, March of Dimes, MCH Director, Los Angeles market
  • Ellen Eidem, Office of Women's Health Director
  • Diana Ramos, MD, MPH, MCAH Reproductive Health Program Director
  • LAMB Project team members:
    • Shin Margaret Chao, MPH, PhD, MCAH Research, Evaluation and Planning Unit (REP) Chief
    • Diana Liu, MPH, REP Epidemiologist
    • Chandra Higgins, MPH, REP Epidemiologist

Summit Agenda


Conference Materials

Poster Gallery

Small Group Discussion Summary


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