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Mixed Dementia

Mixed dementia is a condition where changes in the brain are caused by more than one type of dementia.1 The most common form of mixed dementia is Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Another common form of mixed dementia is Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy body dementia.

Who is at risk?

Brain autopsy studies suggest most older adults over the age of 80 with dementia have a form of mixed dementia.2 For Alzheimer’s disease and vascular mixed dementia (the most common form of mixed dementia), increasing age and vascular conditions that affect blood vessels like high blood pressure are the main risk factors.3

What are the signs & symptoms of mixed dementia?

Mixed dementia symptoms vary, depending largely on the areas of the brain impacted and the cause of brain changes.1 Since dementia symptoms vary widely, it can be hard to distinguish between the different types of dementia. Because of this challenge, most cases of mixed dementia are not identified until after death.3

How is mixed dementia diagnosed?

Getting an accurate diagnosis of mixed dementia is challenging.2,3 Most cases of mixed dementia are identified and diagnosed based on autopsy results.

How is mixed dementia treated?

There is no current treatment or cure for the different forms of mixed dementia.3 Treatment options will vary on the type of dementia diagnosed and symptoms present.


  1. Alzheimer Society of Calgary. (2024). Mixed Dementia. https://www.alzheimercalgary.ca/learn/types-of-dementia/mixed-dementia
  2. National Institute on Aging. (2022). What Is Dementia? Symptoms, Types, and Diagnosis. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-is-dementia
  3. Alzheimer's Association. (2024). Mixed Dementia. https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-dementia/types-of-dementia/mixed-dementia

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