As part of the Early Childhood Obesity Prevention
Initiative, funded by First 5 LA from 2012-2017, the Child and
Adolescent Health Program and Policy (CAHPP) unit
managed the Choose Health LA Child Care project. This
project was designed to improve nutrition and physical
activity in child care settings to support the healthy
growth and development of children.
Choose Health LA Child Care seeks to reduce the
prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in
child care.
- Improve nutrition and physical activity practices in child care centers and homes.
- Increase the number of child care sites with nutrition and physical activity policies.
Improve Child Care Providers' communication with parents about nutrition- and physical activity-related policies.
Highlights and Successes
Click for ChooseHealthLA Child Care highlights and successes.
Access the full Choose Health LA Child Care curriculum! - MS Power Point version available upon request
- Mobilizing Child Care Providers in Cultivating Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Opportunities in Los Angeles County - Findings From Choose Health LA Child Care Focus Groups with Child Care Providers
- Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Opportunities at Child Care Settings in Los Angeles County - Findings from Choose Health LA Child Care Observational Assessments
- Improving Health through Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care Settings - Policies and Practices Survey Report
- Early Childhood Obesity Prevention and the Potential for Policy, Practice, and Environmental Change in Child Care
Resource & Links
- LAC MCAH Overweight Prevention Resources
- ChooseHealthLA Kids
- Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles
- For Healthy Recipes visit:
- Network for a Healthy California
- For child care providers:
- Supporting Breastfeeding Families - A Toolkit for Child Care Providers-English
- Supporting Breastfeeding Families - A Toolkit for Child Care Providers-Spanish
- Choose Health LA Child Care newsletter- English
- Choose Health LA Child Care newsletter- Spanish
- Yoga cards - English
- Yoga cards - Spanish
- Chinese Yoga cards are available upon request.
- Recipe cards - English
- Recipe cards - Spanish
For more information regarding Choose Health LA Child Care contact:
Helen O’Connor
Health Program Analyst