BODYWORKS- A program designed to help parents and caregivers of young adolescent girls (ages 9 to 13) improve family eating and activity habits. Using the Body Works Toolkit, the program focuses on parents as role models and provides them with hands-on tools to make small, specific behavior changes to prevent obesity and help maintain a healthy weight.
calculator for child and teens
Champions for Change - Become a Champion for Change.
And become a champion for your family's health.
Healthy Women Build Healthy Communities
- online
toolkit to help women create a personal program to eat
healthier and be more physically fit.
List of all Recreation
and Parks in the City of Los Angeles
Kids Health - Nutrition and Fitness Resources and Games
Let's Move -
America's Move to Raise A Healthier Generation of Kids
- Nutrition and Physical Activity Resources for
parents and kids
Angeles County Department of Public Health, Physical
Activity and Cardiovascular Health Program -
Physical Activity Resources for Families
President's Challenge - A Nation's Physical Activity
Program to encourage all Americans to make being active
part of their everyday lives