Public Health Youth Advisory Council
YAC Members
YAC in Action
The Public Health Youth Advisory
Council members serve a minimum of one-year term with an
option to serve a second term.
Council members are paid for
their time and efforts through a fee-for-service (paid
for each activity they participate/complete). This
include activities and projects as part of training and
skills development; outreach and education;
communication and media; research and evaluation; and
monthly Youth Advisory Council meetings.
The Youth Advisory Council Application
link will be live on Thursday, May 30th, 2024 at noon. Please note that the deadline to apply has been extended to Saturday, June 29th, 10 PM.
Youth Advisory Council
Flyer 2024-2025

Frequently Asked
LAC-DPH Youth Advisory
Council FAQ

Program Contacts:
Martha Santos
Kevin Donovan
Youth Advisory Council Testimonials
(Click on each image to hear their testimonials)