Data and Evaluation
Smoking-related Indicators
Los Angeles County Health Survey (LACHS)
Cigarette Smoking
- Cigarette Smoking Status
- Exposed to Secondhand Cigarette Smoke at Home
- Households with Children in Which Family Members Used Cigarettes at Home
- Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day
- Days Smoked Cigarettes in the past 30 Days (among Smokers Who Smoke Some Days)
- Time Since Last Smoked Cigarettes Every Day (among Smokers Who Smoke Some Days)
- Age Started to Smoke
- Switched from Cigarettes to E-Cigarettes
- Cessation Plans and Attempts
- Cessation Methods
- Advised by a Health Care Professional to Quit Smoking
E-Cigarette Use
- Ever Used an E-Cigarette
- Used an E-Cigarette within the past Month
- Households with Children in Which Family Members Used E-Cigarettes at Home
- Reasons for Using E-Cigarettes
- Frequency of Using Flavored E-Cigarettes
- Types of E-Cigarettes Used
- Age Started to Smoke
- How Long Has Used E-Cigarettes
- Was Using E-Cigarettes 12 Months Ago
- Stopped Using E-Cigarettes within the past 12 Months
- Primary Reason for Quitting E-Cigarette Use within the past 12 Months
Prenatal Health and Prenatal Care (Biological Mothers)
- Used E-Cigarettes during Pregnancy
- Smoked Cigarettes during Pregnancy
- Quit Smoking during Pregnancy
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) - Registration Required
Adult Health Behaviors / Tobacco (Smoking)
- Current Smoking Status
- Smoking status - current, former, and never
- Current smoking habits of people who have ever smoked
- Number of cigarettes smoked per day
- Current e-cigarette user status
- Thinking about quitting smoking in the next 6 months
- Ever smoked an e-cigarette
- Stopped smoking for 1 or more days in past year to quit
- Number of days used e-cigarettes in past 30 days
- Smoked 100 or more cigarettes in lifetime
- Current (past 30 days) use of flavored tobacco products
- Reasons used e-cigarettes
- Current (past 30 days) use of non-cigarette tobacco products
Teen Health Behaviors / Tobacco (Smoking)
- Current Smoking Status
- Smoked e-cigarette in past 30 days
- Current E-Cigarette Smoker
California Student Tobacco Survey (CSTS)
- Infographic of the Survey Findings
- 2017-18 California Student Tobacco Survey for Los Angeles County Full Report
- Press Release
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
CHKS Los Angeles County Secondary 2017-2019 Main Report
Tobacco Use Prevalence and Patterns (Middle/High School Students)
- Ever smoked a whole cigarette
- Current cigarette smoking
- Current cigarette smoking at school
- Ever tried smokeless tobacco
- Current smokeless tobacco use
- Current smokeless tobacco use at school
- Ever used electronic cigarettes
- Current use of electronic cigarettes
- Current use of electronic cigarettes at school
Cessation Attempts (Middle/High School Students)
- Tried to quit or stop using cigarettes
Attitudes and Correlates (Middle/High School Students)
- Harmfulness of occasional cigarette smoking
- Harmfulness of smoking 1 or more packs/day
- Difficulty of obtaining cigarettes
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
Tobacco Use(Middle/High School Students)
- Ever tried cigarette smoking (even one or two puffs)
- First tried cigarette smoking before age 13 years (even one or two puffs)
- Currently smoked cigarettes (on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigarettes frequently (on 20 or more days during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigarettes daily (on all 30 days during the 30 days before the survey)
- Smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day (on the days they smoked during the 30 days before the survey, among students who currently smoked cigarettes)
- Ever used electronic vapor products (including e-cigarettes, vapes, vape pens, e-cigars, e-hookahs, hookah pens, and mods)
- Currently used electronic vapor products (including e-cigarettes, vapes, vape pens, e-cigars, e-hookahs, hookah pens, and mods, on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently used electronic vapor products frequently (including e-cigarettes, vapes, vape pens, e-cigars, e-hookahs, hookah pens, and mods, on 20 or more days during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently used electronic vapor products daily (including e-cigarettes, vapes, vape pens, e-cigars, e-hookahs, hookah pens, and mods, on all 30 days during the 30 days before the survey)
- Usually got their own electronic vapor products by buying them in a store (such as a convenience store, supermarket, discount store, gas station, or vape store, including e-cigarettes, vapes, vape pens, e-cigars, e-hookahs, hookah pens, and mods, during the 30 days before the survey, among the __% of students nationwide who currently used electronic vapor products and who were aged <18 years)
- Currently used smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, or dissolvable tobacco products, such as Redman, Levi Garrett, Beechnut, Skoal, Skoal Bandits, Copenhagen, Camel Snus, Marlboro Snus, General Snus, Ariva, Stonewall, or Camel Orbs, not counting any electronic vapor products, on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigars (cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars, on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigars frequently (cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars, on 20 or more days during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigars daily (cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars, on all 30 days during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigarettes or cigars (on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigarettes or cigars or used smokeless tobacco (on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigarettes or cigars or used smokeless tobacco or electronic vapor products (on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Currently smoked cigarettes or used electronic vapor products (on at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey)
- Did not try to quit using all tobacco products (including cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, shisha or hookah tobacco, and electronic vapor products, ever during the 12 months before the survey, among students who used any tobacco products during the 12 months before the survey)
Secondhand Smoke Indicators
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) - Registration Required
- Home rules concerning smoking/vaping/e-cigarette use
- Ever been exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke or e-cig vapor in California
Los Angeles County Health Survey (LACHS)
Secondhand Smoking
- Exposed to Secondhand Cigarette Smoke at Home
- Exposed to Secondhand Cigarette Smoke in an Outdoor Area (Subsample)
- Exposed to Secondhand E-Cigarette Smoke/Vapor in Home in the past Week
- Exposed to Secondhand E-Cigarette Smoke/Vapor in an Outdoor Area (Subsample)
Prenatal Health and Prenatal Care (Biological Mothers)
- Used E-Cigarettes during Pregnancy
- Exposed to Cigarette Smoke during Pregnancy
- Exposed to E-Cigarette Smoke/Vapor during Pregnancy
- Exposed to Cigarette Smoke and/or E-Cigarette Smoke/Vapor during Pregnancy
- Smoked Cigarettes during Pregnancy
Cessation Indicators
Los Angeles County Health Survey (LACHS)
- Cessation Plans and Attempts
- Cessation Methods
- Advised by a Health Care Professional to Quit Smoking
- Quit Smoking during Pregnancy
- Stopped Using E-Cigarettes within the past 12 Months
- Primary Reason for Quitting E-Cigarette Use within the past 12 Months
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) - Registration Required
Adult Health Behaviors / Tobacco (Smoking)
- Thinking about quitting smoking in the next 6 months
- Stopped smoking for 1 or more days in past year to quit
Tobacco Policy Indicators
Los Angeles County Health Survey (LACHS)
Tobacco Policy (Subsample)
- Ban Smoking in Outdoor Dining Areas
- Ban Smoking in Recreational Areas (e.g., Parks, Sports Fields, Golf Courses)
- Ban Smoking in All Apartment Rental Units
- Store Owners Should Be Licensed to Sell Cigarettes
- Store Owners Should Be Penalized for Selling Tobacco to Minors
- There Should Be More Smoking Cessation Programs in Los Angeles County
- E-Cigarette Use Should Be Banned in Outdoor Public Areas
- There Should Be a Law Banning the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products
- There Should Be a Law Banning the Sale of Menthol Cigarettes
- There Should Be a Law Banning the Sale of Tobacco Products in Pharmacies
- There Should Be a Law Prohibiting Store Owners from Selling Tobacco Products Nearby Schools
- Tobacco Manufacturers Should Be Responsible for Tobacco Litter Disposal
Tobacco Product Use Indicators
Los Angeles County Health Survey (LACHS)
Tobacco Product Use
- Cigarette Smoking Status
- Exposed to Secondhand Cigarette Smoke at Home
- Households with Children in Which Family Members Used Cigarettes at Home
- Smoked Cigars (within the past 30 Days)
- Smoked Pipe (within the past 30 Days)
- Smoked Hookah/Water Pipe (within the past 30 Days)
- Used Smokeless Tobacco (within the past 30 Days)
- Smoked Little Cigars/Cigarillos (within the past 30 Days)
- Used Dissolvable Tobacco (within the past 30 Days)
- Used Menthol Cigarettes (within the past 30 Days)
- Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day
- Days Smoked Cigarettes in the past 30 Days (among Smokers Who Smoke Some Days)
- Time Since Last Smoked Cigarettes Every Day (among Smokers Who Smoke Some Days)
- Age Started to Smoke
- Switched from Cigarettes to E-Cigarettes