Marijuana During Pregnancy &

Families |
Consuming marijuana (weed,
pot, cannabis) in any form
(smoking, vaping, edibles,
drinks, etc.) can affect
the health of your baby and
is not recommended for those
who are pregnant or
breastfeeding, or who plan
to become pregnant soon.
Research has
shown that
use during
can lead to
low birth
babies. Low
birth weight
means babies
who are born
too small
and have
risk of
in the first
year of the
Research has
also shown
use during
or while
can harm the
growth and
of your
can reach
your baby in
three ways:
through your breast milk
through secondhand smoke that enters the baby's lungs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - click on
each question to see the response
What is Marijuana?
Marijuana, pot, and weed, are common names for the plant Cannabis sativa when it is used for its psychoactive and medicinal properties. Parts
of the plant are dried and smoked in pipes or cigarettes (joints) or sometimes eaten. Cannabis plants can also be turned into oils, concentrates, wax, dabs, etc. that can then be smoked, vaped, eaten, drunk, or put on skin. The main psychoactive chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC). Another component of marijuana is cannabidiol (CBD). Both THC and CBD are known to cross the placenta during pregnancy and reach the baby’s system.
I’ve heard marijuana is legal. What does legal mean?
In California, marijuana is now legal if recommended by a physician for medical use, or for non-medical use by adults age 21 years of age or older. Marijuana, however, remains illegal at the federal level; therefore any marijuana use and/or possession, whether medicinal or non-medicinal, may still have serious consequences such as affecting immigration status. See Helpful Resource section below for more information on marijuana and immigration.
Marijuana is "natural." Doesn't that mean it's safe?
Marijuana contains THC, which may harm your baby. Not all natural substances or plants are safe; think of lead, tobacco, and poisonous berries as examples.
I was told that marijuana is recommended to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Is this true?
No. There is no safety data on marijuana in pregnancy and potential serious harm. If you have nausea or vomiting and are pregnant, discuss safer treatments for this common symptom. See the "Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy" fact sheet in the Helpful Resources list below for safe alternative therapies.
What are alternatives to marijuana?
There are safer alternatives to marijuana during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Talk to your healthcare provider about safer choices that do not risk harming your baby.
I heard vaping marijuana is generally better than smoking when pregnant or breastfeeding. Is that true?
If you vape marijuana while pregnant or breastfeeding, you are still ingesting THC and CBD. No form of marijuana is safe in pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Can't I pump and dump?
“Pumping and dumping” doesn’t work to protect your baby from marijuana. THC, the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana, is stored in fat cells and is slowly released over several weeks, so it stays in your breast milk. Marijuana may also affect the quality and quantity of breast milk that you make. It is recommended that marijuana be discontinued while breastfeeding.
My partner or other family members use marijuana. How can I make sure my baby and I are safe?
Do not let anyone smoke or vape around you or your baby. Ask that they go outside and ensure that your living space is well ventilated. Do not leave your baby in the care of someone who is under the influence of marijuana. Make sure that all marijuana products (edibles, vape pens, marijuana cigarettes, etc.) are carefully stored out of reach of babies and children.
Helpful Resources |
Pregnant and
Women and
Fact Sheet
Mother to
Baby -
Nausea and
Vomiting of
Fact Sheet
