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National Diabetes Prevention Program


The following are resources about the National Diabetes Prevention Program. These resources are divided into five sections - Information about the National Diabetes Prevention Program, Resources for Billing and Procedures, Marketing and Ad Campaigns for the National DPP, PreventT2 Curriculum Resources, and Recruitment and Retention Marketing Resources.

Information about the National Diabetes Prevention Program

The following resources provide more information for healthcare providers about the National DPP.

Resources for Billing and Procedures

The following resources provides information about billing, operating procedures and patient flow processes.

Marketing and Ad Campaigns for the National DPP

The following resources provides public service announcements and local media outreach toolkits to increase awareness about prediabetes.

PreventT2 Curriculum Resources

The CDC has developed a specific curriculum for the National DPP, called Prevent T2. The program duration is one year and consists of two phases: the core phase (weekly sessions for 6 months) and the post-core phase (roughly monthly sessions). Documentation of body weight and documentation of physical activity are required for full recognition. The topics in the core sessions should be taught in order, but the order of the post-core sessions is flexible.

Recruitment and Retention Marketing Resources

Here are some marketing resources to assist with recruiting and retaining participants and recruiting health care professionals, employers, and insurers to participate in a National DPP.

Research Articles and Publications

Here are some research articles and publications to assist with your research. The articles are divided into four sections - National Diabetes Prevention Program in LA County, Recruitment and Implementation of the National DPP, Results of Participating in the National DPP, and Cost Savings of the National DPP.

National Diabetes Prevention Program in Los Angeles County

The following articles provide more information about National DPP in Los Angeles County.

Recruitment and Implementation of the Program

The following articles are about recruitment processes, patient retention, and implementation strategies of the National Diabetes Prevention Program.

Results of Participating in a National DPP

The following articles provide information on the results and effectiveness of the National Diabetes Prevention Program.

Cost Savings of the National Diabetes Prevention Program

The following articles provide information and research about the cost savings of the National DPP.


Here are some information about insurance coverage to help your National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) be more sustainable.


Effective January 1, 2019, the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is now a Medi-Cal covered benefit. Medi-Cal providers choosing to offer DPP services must comply with CDC guidance for the National Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program. Medi-Cal’s DPP will include a core benefit consisting of at least 22 peer-coaching sessions over 12 months, which will be provided regardless of weight loss. In addition, participants who achieve and maintain a required minimum weight loss of 5 percent from the first core session will also be eligible to receive ongoing maintenance sessions, after the 12-month core services period, to help them continue healthy lifestyle behaviors. The DPP curriculum will promote realistic lifestyle changes, emphasizing weight loss through exercise, healthy eating and behavior modification.1

How can I become a Medi-Cal DPP provider?2

Providers who are currently enrolled in Medi-Cal may request to become a DPP provider by submitting a completed Medi-Cal Supplemental Changes from (DCHS 6209). Providers requesting to add DPP services should state so. Copies of the CDC recognition letter or award must be included.

DPP Providers who wish to newly enroll in Medi-Cal for DPP will need to submit a completed Medi-Cal DPP Provider Application package, which includes:

  • A cover letter expressing your request for enrollment as DPP and listing all administrative location(s) of the DPP provider,
  • A copy of the DPP applicant or provider's valid, current, CDC recognition letter, or a current valid copy of their Certificate of Full CDC Recognition,
  • A typed roster of all peer coaches, which includes each coach's full name, National Provider Identifier (NPI) number, full birth date, and Social Security Number,
  • Providers and applicants must attach a copy of prefilled Department of Justice Request for Live Scan Service (BCIA 8016) form for each required individual with their application, date stamped and showing verification that all fees have been paid by either a "PAID" stamp from the public Live Scan operator or a receipt of payment.

Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP)

Third Party Integrator

Currently, there are several private coverage options, such as Molina Medical, Anthem, BlueShield, and United Healthcare. Some use third party integrators. The most well-known third party integrator is Solera Health. They have partnerships with insurers to take care of the billing for National DPP services for their members,. For more specific details, visit their website, https://www.solera4me.com/.3


  • Los Angeles County Department of Public Health National Diabetes Prevention Program Implementation Toolkit (August 2023). This toolkit is designed for program providers, healthcare providers, program implementers, administrators, and anyone interested in developing and implementing the National Diabetes Prevention Program.

    • If you have any questions about the toolkit, please e-mail Telma Menendez.
  • National DPP Coverage Toolkit (2019) - This online toolkit provides information about coverage for the National Diabetes Prevention Program.
  • American Medical Association (AMA) and CDC Prevent Diabetes STAT Toolkit (2015) - This toolkit is a guide for healthcare providers to refer your patients with prediabetes to a National Diabetes Prevention Program. This toolkit includes resources to help engage with patients, incorporate screening, testing and referral into practice, and connecting your clinic with diabetes prevention programs.
  • CDC Diabetes Prevention Impact Toolkit - you can use this Impact Toolkit to project the health and economic effects of the National DPP lifestyle change program on your population at risk for diabetes.
  • California Department of Public Health - Diabetes Prevention Through Lifestyle Change Programs 2018 Action Plan - this action plan addresses the rising prevalence of diabetes in California and leverages upstream initiatives and evidence-based approaches to stop the growing burden of diabetes in California. The action plan is organized into four areas of actions - Availability; Community Engagement: Awareness; Coverage; and Provider Engagement: Screen, Test and Refer.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) only recognizes programs that meet quality standards. Organizations that wish to offer the CDC recognized National DPP must submit an application. Achieving CDC recognition is a 2-year, multi-step process. Programs must also track results and send data to the CDC every 6 months. If you would like to get reimbursed the National DPP, you will need to apply to be CDC recognized.

Recognition Process4

Pending Upon applying (required to submit at least 6 months of data every 12 months)
Preliminary After submitting data for 1 year, completing one full cohort, and demonstrating that your program meets the CDC prescribed attendance rates, you will be granted preliminary recognition. You can enroll as a Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) Provider with preliminary recognition.
Fully Recognized Submitted data for 2 years and show that your program meets CDC standards. You must submit data yearly to retain full recognition.


  1. Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal. Diabetes Prevention Program: New Medi-Cal Benefit Coming in 2019.
  2. Medi-Cal's Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Question 14
  3. National Diabetes Prevention Program Implementation Toolkit.
  4. National Diabetes Prevention Program Implementation Toolkit.

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