Walk your dog with your
neighbors today and live the healthy way!
Healthy Pets Healthy Families Initiative (HPHF) is
recruiting volunteers to lead or participate in
community dog-friendly walking groups.
surveys done by the Veterinary Public Health Program
(VPH) have investigated issues related to pet obesity
and the built environment. Results from these surveys
are highlighted in our
HPHF Obesity report
Some of these findings show that pet owners may not
always recognize that their pet is overweight and that a
major barrier for walking in a neighborhood is a concern
for safety.
To address these issues, VPH
is promoting dog-friendly community walking groups and
developed a
12-week long toolkit
to educate group members about health-related topics for
pets and people.
Reduce human and pet obesity by
encouraging daily physical activity
Engage group members in discussions
about the links between human and animal
Build community resilience - feel safer
walking in your community in groups and
get to know your neighbors
How it works
Facilitate one 30-minute
walk each week (12 week commitment)
Use the
dog-friendly walking group toolkit
to promote
health messages
Administer pre- and post- surveys and
have fun!
More information on physical
Choose Health LA - Improving Nutrition, Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Obesity in LA County
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -
Physical Activity Basics

Last updated: June 8, 2017