The two most common diseases
associated with bats in the
United States are rabies and
Have an encounter with a bat in LA County?
Call Veterinary Public Health for a rabies exposure consultation - 213-288-7060
Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. |

Rabies is a
fatal disease caused by the
rabies virus. People can
become infected when bitten
by an infected bat, or when
saliva of an infected bat
comes in contact with the
eyes, nose, mouth or an open
wound. Any bat that bites or
has possible contact with a
person or pet should be
tested for rabies. Call your
local animal control for
Click here learn how to
safely capture and contain
the bat.
Bat bites are very
small. Some bat bites cause
only minor pain. A wound
from a bat bite can easily
go unnoticed. Therefore if
there is the possibility of
contact with a bat, a
physician or the Department
of Public Health should be
consulted to evaluate the
risk of rabies. Any
suspected bite should be
washed with soap and water
immediately and prompt
medical attention sought.
If there is a possibility
that your pet came in
contact with a bat, a
veterinarian or Veterinary
Public Health should be
consulted to evaluate the
risk of rabies.
a person was likely exposed
to the rabies virus,
symptoms can be prevented
with a series of rabies
vaccinations given
in the
upper arm over a few weeks,
as well as rabies immune
globulin (antibodies) given
at the beginning of the
treatment. This is called
‘rabies post-exposure
prophylaxis’ or rabies PEP.
Because rabies is such a
serious disease, rabies PEP
is needed after any bat bite
unless the bat tests
negative for rabies. If it
is needed after a bat
incident, rabies PEP should
be started as soon as
possible (i.e within 1-3
days). Symptoms of rabies
from bats usually start
30-90 days after the bite.
If symptoms occur, the
disease is nearly always
fatal. For additional
information on rabies in
click here.
If a pet
was likely exposed to the
rabies virus, they will be
either quarantined for 30
days if vaccinated for
rabies or for 6 months if
not. Additionally, a series
of rabies vaccines would be
recommended to help prevent
disease. Signs of rabies
usually start
3-8 weeks after the bite. If
signs of rabies occur, the
disease is fatal.
is a disease caused by the
fungus Histoplasma
capsulatum. It can be
anywhere there is a large
amount of bat droppings
(guano). People can become
infected if they breathe in
the fungal spores. Symptoms
are similar to pneumonia
(including trouble breathing
and coughing) and should be
treated early to avoid
severe disease. The risk of
contracting histoplasmosis
from bat guano is no
different from the risk
associated with bird
droppings. Professional
services should be sought to
clean up areas with large
amounts of droppings.