With significantly reduced risks to the general public associated with COVID-19 infections, Public Health will retire the COVID-19 Dashboard for Skilled Nursing Facilities effective March 1, 2025. Select data on COVID-19 will continue to be available on our Respiratory Illness Surveillance (RESPWatch) website. Public Health will continue to monitor COVID-19 and issue notifications as needed to update the public on any potential changes in COVID-19 risk in Los Angeles County.

Welcome to the Los Angeles County (LAC) Department of Public Health (DPH) COVID-19 Dashboard for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). This dashboard provides self-reported weekly information on the number of COVID-19 tests performed, persons diagnosed, and COVID vaccination coverage in LAC SNFs. The data are collected through surveys facilitated by the Center for Disease Control(CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) COVID-19 Long Term Care Facility Module. Summary data on SNFs in LAC excludes facilities located in Long Beach and Pasadena.

Export Weekly Dataset

1   23 facilities are in unincorporated areas and are assigned to their nearest city. Some cities listed are neighborhoods within the City of Los Angeles. Thus data for the selection "Los Angeles" excludes facilities in those LA City neighborhoods. Note three facilities located in Pasadena are considered LAC jurisdiction SNFs and thus included in this data.
2   There are a total of 339 SNFs in Los Angeles County; this excludes the jurisdictions of Long Beach and Pasadena (please visit their respective websites for more information) of which 336 are Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) certified and required to report COVID-19 data to NHSN; a value of less than 336 means some facilities did not submit a survey response for the specified reporting period.
3   Among test results received during the specified reporting period.
4   Includes cumulative cases and deaths since reporting began in March 2020, and could include cases in persons who are no longer residents or staff at the facility. For additional information on Skilled Nursing Facility-Associated COVID deaths, please see /media/Coronavirus/locations.htm#snf-deaths.
5   These data reflect the percentage of staff and residents up to date with COVID-19 vaccines (as recommended by CDC.) among those in the facility during the specified reporting period. Staff members who work at multiple facilities might be counted more than once in the overall coverage estimate.

Data Sources:

Center for Disease Control's National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) COVID-19 Long Term Care Facility Module: Surveillance Reporting Pathways and COVID-19 Vaccinations as self-reported by skilled nursing facilities.

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Mitigation Plan Implementation.