Prevention Monthly Briefing

June 2021 | Issue #5
Prevention Monthly Briefing

Team/Person of the Month! Prevention Coalitions!

10th Anniversary National Prevention Week (NPW) Event Hosts & Take-Back Rx Day Coordinators!!

2021 NPW: Last month, the LAC Prevention Provider (LACPP) Network celebrated the 10th annual NPW, an observance dedicated to increasing public awareness and inspiring action around substance use prevention as well as promoting positive mental health.

This year, a series of events highlighted substance use risks and provided youth, families, and communities with opportunities to promote and sustain wellbeing and healthy environments. The theme for NPW 2021 was, "There's No Safe Distance Between You and Substance Use." During this weeklong event, participants heard experts and youth exchanges on critical topics via interactive and compelling online sessions. We celebrate the LACPP leaders: Maribel Briseno, Albert Melena, Sarah Blanch, Jeanne Shimatsu, Claudia Hathcock, Daniel Fong, and Sokhom Phou, and we thank their agencies for hosting the following NPW 2021 events:

  • Monday, May 10: Preventing Prescription Drug and Opioid Misuse
  • Tuesday, May 11: Underage Drinking and Alcohol Misuse
  • Wednesday, May 12: Preventing Illicit Drug Use and Youth Marijuana
  • Thursday, May 13: Preventing Youth Tobacco Use
  • Friday, May 14: Suicide Prevention
Take Back Rx Day: We thank the hosting-agency collection sites who worked with the DEA, law enforcement partners, and others to inform communities how to safely store and properly dispose of medications. A special mention to Rosalyn Son, of San Fernando Valley Partnership, for creating timely, engaging flyers for this event and many others.

SAPC Issues, Training & Resources

COVID-19 Update: As you may know, LA County recently moved to the "Yellow Tier" based on the decrease in the number of COVID-19 positive cases. DPH updated the Reopening Protocols for Office Worksites, which applies to the reopening of certain settings that may be similar to provider's sites. Here is a brief summary of office worksites:
  • Occupancy limits have increased to 75% of maximum occupancy based on applicable building or fire codes.
  • For in-person meetings, offices should be limited to 50% of the meeting room occupancy or 50 people maximum, whichever is fewer. Unless everyone is vaccinated, individuals must still maintain physical distancing of six (6) feet, or greater, from others.
  • Entry screening language has been updated to include loss of taste or smell and how to handle positive or negative screening results.
  • Cleaning/disinfecting requirements were updated to align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) updated cleaning guidance, which, in general, has reduced disinfecting needs.
COVID-19 vaccinations: These are available at County-run sites and many community sites without an appointment. To find a vaccination site near you, make an appointment at vaccination sites, and much more, visit: (English) and (Spanish). If you don’t have internet access, are unable to use a computer, or you are over 65, you can call 1-833-540-0473 for help finding an appointment or scheduling a home-visit, if you are homebound. Vaccinations are always free and open to eligible residents and workers of Los Angeles County, regardless of immigration status.

Prevention Services Re-solicitation Update: The first phase of the SAPC Prevention Re-solicitation process, list of Master Agreement, has been approved by the County Board of Supervisors. The next phase will consist of the release of Work Solicitation Orders projected to be released soon.

Men's Substance Use Risks: June is Men's Health Month, so we would like to highlight substance use facts pertaining to Los Angeles County men, across different demographic groups. According to DPH SAPC Data Briefs published in March 2019: males ages 22-23 were among the highest heroin users, with heroin-related ED visits increasing 273% among white men from 2006 to 2017. Next, although rates of ED visits (per 100k) for marijuana use increased for all gender and racial/ethnic groups in the county, from 2005 to 2017, it increased the most among Black/African American males and among males ages 18-20, with 56% of males calling Poison Control for marijuana use from 2/2016 to 4/2017. Rx opioid emergency department visit rates (per 100k) also increased from 2006 to 2017, especially among White men. Adult (age 18+) males reported a higher percentage of binge drinking in 2015, across all racial/ethnic groups, with Latino males (29%) reporting the highest binge drinking (i.e., consuming five, or more, alcoholic beverages on the same occasion on at least one day in the past month).

SAPC Website Redesign: Please look out for the newly redesigned SAPC website. The first phase of the redesign took place in late May. Changes to the rest of the site, including Prevention Services, will take place later in the summer. The website will be updated to make navigation more intuitive and user friendly. Relevant information essential to your work will remain on the site (e.g. onboarding, trainings, reports, media campaign information, etc.). We anticipate providing a brief walk-through of the site when the updated Prevention page becomes available.

SPA Coalition News (EPS)

Agency News (CPS, APS)

Congratulations to the SPA 6 South Los Angeles Movement (SLAM) prevention coalition and collaborative community partners Jenesse Center, Inc. and Jeneration J, on hosting “The Road from Home 2 School & Beyond,” an engaging and interactive virtual youth summit, May 21-22. The free two-day symposium, which attracted more than 120 participants, focused on positive youth development and wellness, including substance use and misuse, mental health, trauma and selfcare, and workshops that shared the unique situations of young people experiencing homelessness, foster care, gender identities, and undocumented immigration status. Youth-led interviews of educators and subject matter experts, and keynote presentations and breakout sessions provided guidance, support and resources for youth and adults alike, and discussed the importance of positive parent and family engagement, including discipline and developing and sustaining safe and healthy relationships.

The SLAM coalition comprises Avalon Carver, Community Coalition, People Coordinated Services, Shields for Families South Central Prevention Coalition, Volunteers of America, and Watts Health Care. Located in South Los Angeles, the Jenesse Center, Inc. Domestic Violence Intervention Program provides culturally sensitive programs and services for individuals and families, and features Jeneration J, a youth advocacy leadership and education program.

Kudos to everyone and all agencies involved in sponsoring this truly transformative event.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines:

June is Men’s Health Month
Please note above’s substance use risks for men and help promote health-related messages on your social platforms.

June 17th is Quarterly Provider Meeting
Special Guests from Public Health Institute present on Cannabis Policy and City Scorecards

July 1st - Happy New Fiscal Year!! June 30th marks the end of FY2020-21
Please be sure to submit your invoices, Work Plans for the next six-months, and Year-End Progress Reports. Thank you for your commitment, professionalism, and collaboration to improve the health and wellbeing of young people and residents in Los Angeles County!
Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services