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Step by Step Los Angeles County banner

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Step by Step Los Angeles County provides a policy framework for how the County proposes to get more people walking, make walking safer and support healthy, active lifestyles. It also includes Community Pedestrian Plans for unincorporated communities in L.A. County.

In Progress:

If you live or work in one of these communities, take our survey and tell us what it's like to walk there.

You can also contribute to our community map and see what others have shared!

click to Step by Step East LA web page
click to Step by Step East Rancho Dominguez web page
click to Step by Step Florence-Firestone web page
click to Step by Step Florence-Firestone web page 

click to go to Alondra Park


Read adopted plans for:

click to Step by Step East LA web page
click to Step by Step East Rancho Dominguez web page
click to Step by Step Florence-Firestone web page
click to Step by Step Willowbrook/West Rancho Dominguez web page
click to Step by Step Lake LA web page
click to Step by Step Walnut Park web page
click to Step by Step Westmont/West Athens web page click to Step by Step West Whittier-Los Nietos web page

Hard copies are also available at County libraries in each of the project communities.
Click here to find your nearest County library:

Step by Step - all communities (25 MB PDF) | Appendices (117 MB PDF)
Paso a Paso - todas las comunidades (198 MB PDF)

What Is a Pedestrian Plan?
A pedestrian plan provides guidance in developing a network of sidewalks, off-street paths, and trails and facilities (such as lighting, crosswalks and benches) that allow people to walk safely and comfortably to key destinations like parks and schools throughout a community. It includes policies that address safety, traffic, education, and programs to promote a safe, walkable community.

pedestrian crosswalk with warning sign and light  person riding bike on a multi-use trail  person pushing another person in a wheel chair on a sidewalk

Benefits of Walking

heart shaped icon showing heart rate indicator Health - Studies show that walking 30 minutes a day can reduce the risk of many chronic conditions, particularly diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, depression, and some cancers.

dollar sign icon Economics - Walking to school, work, or a nearby store can save you money on gas and car maintenance.

hand icon holding globe Environment - By choosing to walk you help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and reduce traffic congestion.

Currently 23% of Los Angeles County children and 23.9% of adults are considered obese, in some communities the percentage is even higher. Countywide only 28.7% of children engage in regular physical activity and only 34.1% of adults walk regularly. In addition, traffic collisions are a leading cause of premature death of both children and adults in Los Angeles County.

The Los Angeles County Departments of Public Health and Public Works are working in partnership on these plans to improve roadway safety and increase rates of walking. Communities that have safe streets, accessible sidewalks, paths and trails make getting physical activity easier for everyone.

Find Public Works Projects in Your Community
Los Angeles County Public Works is the agency responsible for road projects in unincorporated areas, including safety enhancements for walking. Their website includes a map of planned, in-progress, and completed transportation and water projects, often with project fact sheets and contact information.

Click here to see the map: LA County Infrastructure Projects Map
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Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
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