PLACE Program
3530 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 351-7825

Safe Streets for Seniors

seniors walking   senior active   senior biking


Pedestrian deaths are skyrocketing in the United States. According to The Governors Highway Safety Association, 7,508 people were killed while walking in 2022, the most pedestrians killed since 1981. Since 2010, pedestrian deaths have gone up a shocking 77%, compared to a 25% increase in all other traffic fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, people aged 60 to 70 were at greatest risk of being killed while walking. Seniors in Los Angeles County unincorporated communities face a similar threat; in 2022, nearly 32% of pedestrian deaths were among adults 60 and older. Older people are more likely to die from their injuries when struck due to fragility associated with the aging process. They also have a higher likelihood of being hit because they may walk more slowly; have difficulty crossing the curb or judging walking speeds and vehicle speeds; or have confusion about walk signal phases. The Safe Routes for Seniors program works to improve safety for older adults as they utilize the streets in their communities, while encouraging them to walk more.

Number of Pedestrian Fatalities by Gender and Age in Unincorporated Communities in Los Angeles in 2022 (N=41)

Senior Data

Safe Streets for All

PLACE will launch its first Safe Routes for Seniors program in Florence-Firestone in 2024, funded by the State Office of Traffic Safety and the Federal Safe Streets for All program, focusing on pedestrian and bicycle safety for older adults.

Program Highlights

  • Work closely with senior centers, community organizations, and other partners to build trust and develop program activities to encourage walking and use of public transit.
  • Engage with older adults to learn what infrastructure improvements they would like to see.
  • Support, improve and build on programs that promote walking and physical activity among older adults.
  • Provide educational sessions to increase knowledge of safety hazards and how to navigate streets better.
  • Collaborate with pharmacies, medical device companies, and medical professionals to educate older adults on mobility and other medical devices.
  • Identify other program activities that can encourage and enhance social interaction and physical activity among older adults.


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