If you are a research participant and would like to
contact the IRB regarding your rights as a participant,
or to report a reportable/adverse event related to
participation in a research project, you can click the
"Contact Us" button below to send us a message.
You can
also email us at IRB@ph.lacounty.gov,
you can call us at our
research/project participant hotline: 213-288-7680.
If you are a minor (under the age of 18) and would like
to talk about your rights as a participant, or to report
a reportable/adverse event, please have your
parent/guardian call or email the IRB on your behalf.
Contact Us
Research Participant Bill of Rights
California law requires that any
individual (or legally authorized representative) asked
to participate in a research study defined as a "medical
experiment" (under California Health and Safety Code,
section 24174)
must receive a copy of the Research Participant Bill of
Rights (also known as the "Experimental Subject’s Bill
of Rights") in a language in which the individual is
To view a copy of the Experimental
Subject's Bill of Rights, click on the links
California Experimental
Subject's Bill of Rights (English)
Experimental Subject's Bill of Rights (Spanish)