
Institutional Review Board Links

How to get help
We encourage you to attend our training workshops on submitting an application to the IRB. We are also available to provide assistance via phone, Teams or email.

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IRB Training Requirements

Investigators and study personnel doing research involving human subjects must take a human subjects protection training before receiving IRB approval, and they must re-certify at minimum every three years.  HIPAA Privacy training is also required, whether or not your project will collect PHI, and HIPAA training certificates are valid for two years. Certificates of completion for required trainings must be included for all key personnel when submitting an application for IRB review.

Human Subjects Protection Training

IMPORTANT: Please note that the DPH IRB online human subjects protection training modules offered through the CITI website are temporarily unavailable. Please check this page regularly for updates regarding the availability of online training options through the CITI website.

For those in need of human subjects protection training certification, we strongly encourage attendance at one of the virtual trainings hosted by the IRB (next training: TBD). In order to attend a DPH IRB virtual training, you will need to register via the LA County TalentWorks portal. More details regarding DPH IRB trainings will be sent via departmental email as the training date approaches.

If you are not able to attend one of the trainings hosted by the IRB, the human subjects protection training requirement can be satisfied by completing the free online course offered by the Office of Human Research Protections within the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Please refer to the following link for registration instructions.

 OHRP Human Research Protection Foundational Training


HIPAA Training

Department of Youth Development (DYD), Department of Health Services (DHS) and Department of Public Health (DPH) staff should satisfy the HIPAA training requirement by completing the HIPAA for Covered Entities training that is available through the County's TalentWorks portal. The HIPAA for Covered Entities training is a required training for all DPH and DHS staff.


In-person/Virtual Trainings

Upcoming Sessions

  • Human Subjects Protection Training - TBD (late August/early September)

Past Sessions

  • Community Engagement in Research - June 12, 2024 (pdf icon Slides)
  • Human Subjects Protection Training - May 8, 2024 (pdf icon Slides)
Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
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