How to Apply

Institutional Review Board Links

How to get help
We encourage you to attend our training workshops on submitting an application to the IRB. We are also available to provide assistance via phone, Teams or email.
Office of the Institutional Review Board
LA County Department of Public Health
313 N. Figueroa St., Room 127 Los Angeles, CA 90012

Email us at:
IRB Application Information

All new projects seeking IRB review must submit an application using our web-based application system called IRBManager (link located in the New IRB application section below).

For projects that have already received IRB approval, if you need to make any changes to your project, including adding/removing personnel, please submit an amendment application using IRBManager (refer to the Amendments section below).

Annual progress reports are required for all projects and must also be submitted in IRBManager (refer to the Annual Progress Reports section below). Some projects may be required to submit Continuing Review requests instead of progress reports (as noted on the original approval letter). Continuing Review requests must be submitted in IRBManager (refer to the Continuing Review section below).

A user guide with instructions for using IRBManager is located in the New IRB application section below. Contact the IRB office via email at with any questions.

The following figures illustrate the IRB review and application processes:

Figure 1. Overview of the IRB Review   Figure 2. Overview of the IRBManager
Figure 1. Overview of the IRB Review Process Figure 2. Overview of the IRBManager Application Process

The IRB reviews any DPH-related, DHS related, or partner CBOs-related project that involves the collection or analysis of data from or about human subjects including but not limited to the following:

  • Focus groups
  • Semi-structured interviews
  • Data abstraction from medical records
  • Surveys

Note: IRB procedures allow exemption for some data collection projects that are classified as routine public health activity rather than research or related activities. Please consult with the Office of the IRB for a determination.

Not Human Subjects Research Determinations

Please consult with the Office of the IRB before submitting a Not Human Subjects Research application. The Not Human Subjects Research application is not the appropriate application for projects that the IRB deems "Exempt as Non research".

Please review the information below before submitting an IRB application for review.

Project activities CANNOT begin until a formal approval letter from the Office of the IRB has been obtained.

Review the checklist below to make sure you have all items necessary to submit a complete IRB application. An application cannot undergo IRB review until it is screened and deemed complete.

Any adverse/reportable events or deviations from approved protocols must be reported to the Office of the IRB no later than 7 days after the research team has been made aware of the event in question. If you are project staff and need to report an adverse/reportable event/protocol deviation, please submit an adverse/reportable events form in
IRBManager. Refer to Section 12 of the IRBManager user guide for assistance with completing this form.


An annual progress report is due for both exempt and expedited projects even if they do not have an expiration date. Progress reports must be submitted through IRBManager. Any project that does not submit an annual progress report at least 2 weeks before the due date (stated on the most recent approval letter) will be automatically closed by the system and a new application will need to be submitted in order to continue. Please contact the Office of the IRB if you anticipate any challenges in meeting any due dates. Refer to Section 6 of the IRBManager user guide for instructions on how to submit a progress report application.


Please submit an amendment request in IRBManager PRIOR to implementing any changes to previously approved activities and/or materials including the protocol, data collection instruments, or personnel. PI/project lead changes must be submitted as amendments and the current PI/project lead must provide their signature on the application before it can be approved.

IMPORTANT: If the PI or co-PI plan to end/change their institutional affiliation, an amendment application should be submitted BEFORE the date of the change in affiliation to ensure access to the institutional email address on file (notifications for providing signatures will be sent to this email address).

Review the checklist below to make sure you have all the items necessary to submit a complete amendment application.

When you are ready to submit your amendment application, refer to Section 6 of the IRBManager user guide for instructions on how to submit an amendment application.

A request for continuing review must be approved for:

  • all full board projects and
  • any projects that are given an expiration date by the IRB (expiration date is noted on the approval letter).

If continuing review is required, as stated in the approval letter, please submit a continuing review application in IRBManager. Refer to Section 6 of the IRBManager user guide for instructions on how to submit a Continuing Review application.

Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services