Click below to see excerpts from the Nomination Forms* of each award
Recognized Co-Chairs:
Barbara Kappos
Kate Marr
Ruth Rivera
Bernita Walker
Cecelia Walker
Varsha N.
Gail Pincus
Kate Forrest
Rachelle Neshkes
Giovanna Martinez
Jaye Prado
Krysta Warfield
Nancy Volpert
Minty Siu-Kootnikoff
"As Co-Chairs of the Domestic Violence Council, your partnerships are invaluable in our collective effort to prevent and end domestic violence in Los Angeles County.
Thank you for your service and leadership."
Recognized Agencies:
- 1736 Family Crisis Center,- Amanecer Community Counseling
Services,- Angel Step Inn, - Antelope Valley DV Council, - Asian Americans
Advancing Justice Los Angeles,- Cambodian Association of
America, -Center For the Pacific Asian Family, Inc., - Change
Lanes Youth Support Services,- Child and Family Center, -
Children's Center of the Antelope Valley,- Community Legal
Aid SoCal,- Domestic Abuse Women’s Center, - Good Shepherd Center,
- East LA Women’s Center,- Foothill Family,-
Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law,- Haven Hills, Inc.-
Helping Other People Excel H.O.P.E,- Helpline Youth
Counseling, Inc.,- House of Ruth, Inc.,- Human Services
Association,- Institute for Multicultural Counseling and
Education Services (IMCES),- Interval House,- Jenesse Center,-
Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles,- Korean American Family Services,-
LGBTQ Center of Long Beach, - Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles,- Los Angeles Center for Law and
Justice,- Neighborhood Legal Services of LA County,- New
Hope Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program, Inc.- New Star
Family Center,- Niswa Association, Inc.,- Office of Samoan
Affairs of California, Inc.,- Para Los Niños,- Peace Over
Violence,- The People Concern,- Personal Involvement Center,
Inc.,- Project Peacemakers, Inc.,- Rainbow Services, Ltd.,-
South Asian Helpline and Referral Agency (SAHARA),- Su
Casa~ Ending Domestic Violence,- Tarzana Treatment Center, -
Women’s and Children’s Crisis Shelter,- Women Shelter of
Long Beach,- YWCA of Glendale and Pasadena,- YWCA of San
Gabriel Valley-
"We appreciate your services and commitment.
Thank you
for supporting survivors and partnerships with Los Angeles
County to address and end violence in our community."
Breaking Silence Award Recipients:
Christy Velasco
Franceli Rivera
Girstin K. Bergquist
Lorena Banuelos
Maria Acuna
Termeko Coplin
"In recognition of their courage, commitment, and contribution to work with addresses and end domestic violence. This award is provided to individual(s) who embody lived experience, fierce spirit, resilience, and leadership which resulted change in practice, policies, and/or protocols which resulted improved access, services, and protections for survivors of domestic violence."
Recognized Co-Chairs:
Barbara Kappos
Kate Marr
Ruth Rivera
Bernita Walker
Cecelia Walker
Varsha N.
Gail Pincus
Kate Forrest
Rachelle Neshkes
Giovanna Martinez
Jaye Prado
Krysta Warfield
Minty Siu-Kootnikoff
Nancy Volpert
"As Co-Chairs of the Domestic Violence Council, your partnerships are invaluable in our collective effort to prevent and end domestic violence in Los Angeles County.
Thank you for your service and leadership."
Recognized Agencies:
- 1736 Family Crisis Center,- Amanecer Community Counseling
Services,- Antelope Valley DV Council, - Asian Americans
Advancing Justice Los Angeles,- Cambodian Association of
America, -Center For the Pacific Asian Family, Inc., - Change
Lanes Youth Support Services,- Child and Family Center, -
Children's Center of the Antelope Valley,- Community Legal
Aid SoCal,- East LA Women’s Center,- Foothill Family,-
Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law,- Haven Hills, Inc.-
Helping Other People Excel H.O.P.E,- Helpline Youth
Counseling, Inc.,- House of Ruth, Inc.,- Human Services
Association,- Institute for Multicultural Counseling and
Education Services (IMCES),- Interval House,- Jenesse Center,-
Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles,- Legal Aid Foundation of
Los Angeles,- Los Angeles Center for Law and
Justice,- Neighborhood Legal Services of LA County,- New
Hope Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program, Inc.- New Star
Family Center,- Niswa Association, Inc.,- Office of Samoan
Affairs of California, Inc.,- Para Los Niños,- Peace Over
Violence,- The People Concern,- Personal Involvement Center,
Inc.,- Project Peacemakers, Inc.,- Rainbow Services, Ltd.,-
South Asian Helpline and Referral Agency (SAHARA),- Su
Casa~ Ending Domestic Violence,- Tarzana Treatment Center, -
Women’s and Children’s Crisis Shelter,- Women Shelter of
Long Beach,- YWCA of Glendale and Pasadena,- YWCA of San
Gabriel Valley-
"We appreciate your services and commitment. Thank you
for supporting survivors and partnerships with Los Angeles
County to address and end violence in our community."
Breaking Silence Award Recipients:
Termeko Coplin
Maria Acuna
Lorena Banuelos
Girstin K. Bergquist
Franceli Rivera
Christy Velasco
"In recognition of their courage, commitment, and contribution to work with addresses and end domestic violence. This award is provided to individual(s) who embody lived experience, fierce spirit, resilience, and leadership which resulted change in practice, policies, and/or protocols which resulted improved access, services, and protections for survivors of domestic violence."
Betty Fisher Award
Reimagining Child Safety: Latia Suttle, Keisha Dixon, Tina Rios & Denise Wilson
"...a group of relentless and determined parents that have combined 20 plus years of lived experience in Family Court, Children's Court, and DCFS in an effort to advocate for reform in the way these systems impact those within our Black and Indigenous communities..." *
Kendall Evans Memorial Award
Carol Crabson, Valley Oasis
"...a strong advocate for unserved populations... shelter services for LGBTQIAA+ populations... consultant in the development of the first all male victim shelter in the United States... advocated for trauma victims receive mental health services in shelters..." *
Excellence in Public Service
Abigail Marquez, City of Los Angeles, CIFD
"...Under her leadership and because of her tireless advocacy, the DV Shelter Operations program has seen an increase in funding from the City’s general fund and the City has utilized CARES Act funding to support both Project Safe Haven and Survivor Housing First... " *
Excellence in Employee Service
Kitty Glass, Jewish Family Service LA/Hope
"...For over 25 years, Kitty Glass has been at JFSLA Hope, working to help educate and inform the community about domestic violence... Her knowledge of domestic violence, her engaging presentations, and her ability to 'speak to her audience' makes her invaluable... " *
"...DV survivors with lived experience in homelessness who now share their stories in order to advocate for policies and funding that will benefit survivors and their families..." *
Betty Fisher Award
Elizabeth Eastlund, Executive Director, Rainbow Services
"...she has instituted innovative and effective programs that have not only improved the quality of services for survivors but have served as a model of best practice for the domestic violence field at large..." *
Betty Fisher Award
Carmen McDonald, Director of Legal Services, Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice
"...For all her outstanding work and going above and beyond dedicating her entire career and personal mission in life to serving survivors of domestic violence, [she] merits the honor and recognition of the Betty Fisher Award..." *
Excellence in Public Service
Chanel Smith, Program Manager- DV/HT Shelter Operations, HCIDLA
"...Chanel created, developed and implemented Project Safe Haven... DV Survivors across the county were assisted in obtaining safe shelter that would not and could not have occurred without Chanel's efforts... " *
Excellence in Employee Service
Sandy Villeda, DART Advocate, Strength United
"...clients have stated that they would have never made a police report if it weren’t for Sandy taking her time to explain everything to them and also involving LAPD in a non-threatening way... " *
Excellence in Volunteer Service
Abe Aviles, Volunteer, Free Resource Garage
"...He goes the extra mile—not only picking up needed furniture items from a donor—such as disassembling a trundle bed, or dresser, but he reassembles them for the mommas in their new locations..." *
Betty Fisher Award
Kendall Evans, Director and Founder, Another Way: Stopping Violence and Abuse
"...She has educated many in the DV field about people who are abusive, the theories underlying their conduct and how we can best integrate that knowledge into addressing and ending domestic violence..." *
Excellence in Public Service
Genethia Hudley-Hayes, Education and Social Services Deputy for Supervisor Sheila Kuehl (SD3)
"...Genethia is truly someone who embodies the concept of public service. All of her work in DV/IPV has been focused on providing the best structure for the County to address this issue in a way that is both effective and supported... " *
Excellence in Employee Service
Krysta Warfield, Program Manager, Child & Family Center
"...Krysta understands firsthand that surviving domestic violence is just the beginning of a long and exhausting journey and that a strong support system is needed before independence and resilience can be met.... " *
Excellence in Volunteer Service
Mercy Fresno, Volunteer, Harriet Buhai Center
"...Mercy has volunteered over 30 years. [She] is the advocate/fighter/superhero for low-income clients and their children, who often believe that they must choose between living with abuse or living on the streets..." *