California Senate Bill 1184, signed
by the Governor on September 26, 2008, requires that all
CD4 + T-Cell test results be reported to local health
departments within 7 days in addition to the existing
requirements that require reporting any laboratory test
used to identify HIV or antibodies or antigens to HIV.
Laboratories are responsible for
reporting any HIV-indicative test – including all viral
loads (even if undetectable), HIV antigen and confirmed
antibody tests – and ALL CD4 T-Cell test results (not
just those < 200/ul or < 14%), to the health officer of
the local health jurisdiction where the health care
provider facility is located.
In Los Angeles County there are four public health
jurisdictions. The largest of these, County of Los
Angeles Department of Public Health, includes the City
of Los Angeles and all other jurisdictions within the
County except for the following three cities: Pasadena,
Long Beach and Vernon, who each have their own health
departments. L.A. County's Health Officer’s HIV
Surveillance designee in the Division of HIV and STD
Programs will follow-up with health care providers for
laboratory reports you send to us to complete the HIV
Registry. If the facility is located in Pasadena, Long
Beach or Vernon, please contact their public health
To submit the test results,
laboratories can either report manually or
electronically. The following forms and documents
can be downloaded for HIV lab test reporting. If you
would like to report an HIV cas
or have any questions retrieving these files, please
call the HIV Reporting Help Desk at (213) 351-8516.
Manual Lab Reporting
Complete one of the following forms, insert it in
doubled envelops, and mail to:
County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Health
600 South Commonwealth Avenue, 10th Floor - Suite 1260
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Adobe Reader 7 or above required
Alternative Lab Test Report Forms
form [PDF]
- Adobe Reader 7 or above required
Electronic Lab
Test Reporting - All of the electronic lab test
report data need to be encrypted before being sent to
the Division of HIV and STD Programs. The
encrypted file can be saved on a diskette or CD Rom,
double enveloped, and mailed via a reliable mail carrier
to the address listed above. If you would like a
free copy of encryption software or would like to set up
other means of data transmission, please contact the HIV
Reporting Help Desk at (213) 351-8516 or email to

(Preliminary format)
Canned Application -
This Microsoft ACCESS application provides
laboratories a database structure to enter confirmed
HIV tests, print case report forms for confidential
mailing, create subsets of newly entered tests for
electronic reporting, and maintain reported HIV
tests on site.