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Health Professional & Laboratory Mandatory Reporting Overview Grid
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Health Professional & Laboratory Mandatory Reporting Overview Grid       (updated 09/14/2022)
                                                 See also
                                             arrow About Mandatory Disease Reporting in California (follows the table below)

                                             arrow Patient Confidentiality Concerns?  See California DPH (June 15, 2012):
                                                  Letter To All California Health Care Providers: HIPAA and Public Health Disclosures


To report: Form to use: Disease Reporting-Related Program's Webpage &
Phone Number if needed:
Labs Must Report:
Laboratory-Reportable List -
for LA County
Laboratory-Reportable List image
See Laboratory-Reportable List in first column

See also HIV, STD, TB (below)

Hotline: (888) 397-3993
      Fax: (888) 397-3778 or (213) 482-5508

See also:
Public Health Laboratory webpage
Infectious Disease :
Reportable Diseases & Conditions List -  for LA County
Reportable Diseases List image

(except HIV, STD, TB see below)
Confidential Morbidity Report Form  (Web-fillable)
Confidential Morbidity Report Form H794, version July 2008
oronavirus image See COVID-19 for Healthcare Providers at ACDC website below:

Acute Communicable Disease Control Program (ACDC)

Hotline: (888) 397-3993
      Fax: (888) 397-3778 or (213) 482-5508

Suspected Foodborne Illness Foodborne Illness Report Form (Web submit)
Animal Bite to Human
(See "What to Report" below)
Animal Bite Report Form (Web submit)
Animal Bite Report Page

Veterinary Public Health Program (VPH)
Phone: (213) 989-7060
Fax: (213) 481-2375
Animal with a Disease (for Veterinarian or Animal Clinic use; see "What to Report" below) Animal Disease Report Form (Web submit)
Animal Disease Report Page
     Pediatric, age<13 yrs
     Adult, age>13 yrs
HIV/AIDS Pediatric Reporting

HIV/AIDS Adult Reporting
Division of HIV & STD Programs (DHSP)
(213) 351-8153 - Peds HIV/AIDS
(213) 351-8516 - Adult HIV/AIDS
(213) 351-8516 - Acute HIV Infection
(213) 368-7441 - STD
STD Reporting & Forms;
STD Lab Reporting & Form
Tuberculosis (TB) TB Reporting Forms
TB Laboratory Reporting Form & Information (Web fillable)
TB Control Program (TBCP) Homepage
Phone: (213) 745-0800
Fax: (213) 749-0926

Civil Surgeons: Submit CalREDIE Provider Portal Account request forms only for TB to:
       TBCP CalREDIE Liaison:
Do not submit Parkinson's reporting forms or questions to LAC DPH or TBCP.  For Parkinson's directions, see below.
Civil Surgeon LTBI Reports
The CalREDIE Provider Portal is used for Civil Surgeon reporting of LTBI only. Civil Surgeons should use a CMR (TB Reporting Forms) to report to the LHD when an applicant is suspected of having TB disease

CalREDIE Civil Surgeon Reporter Authorization Form --
Do not use this form to report Parkinson's.
Non-Communicable Disease:
Disorder Characterized by Lapses of Consciousness
Reporting is for the DMV Driver Safety Process. For "disorder" definition and other information, see "Overview" (3rd column) and "What to Report" (below).
Physician Report of a Lapses of Consciousness Disorder
Form to report a lapse of consciousness disorder patientForm, mod100418

Fax report to: fax# (888)397-3778 or
fax#(213)482-5508. If questions, see Overview(8/27/18)Diagram on Reporting Lapses of Consciousness Disorder
If still questions: Phone (888) 397-3993
Pesticide-Related Illness
(See "What to Report" below)
CA EPA OEHHA Confidential Report Known or Suspected Pesticide-Related Illness OEH700, v9/06 (Web-fillable) Fax report to:
(888) 397-3778 or (213) 482-5508
For questions: Phone (888) 397-3993
Parkinson's Disease NOTE: LAC doesn't participate in this state-level Parkinson's study and is unable to accept reports or provide any reporting forms or information. Do not submit Parkinson's reports or questions to LAC DPH or TBCP.
Submit all reports and questions directly to the state at the following link: 
California Department of Public Health Parkinson's Disease Registry (CPDR).

General Information for Health Professionals, Laboratories and Other Mandated Reporters

About Mandatory Disease Reporting in California

Why report? 
Because it's essential for disease control and public safety. Failure to timely report has contributed to preventable secondary transmission and disease outbreaks.

Mandated reporters "extend the eyes and ears" of health officers (HOs) -- a key role to ensure the ongoing disease surveillance and response that is crucial to protect public health and safety within and across local health department (LHD) jurisdictions, our state, nation, and beyond. In California, a legally-appointed local HO (LHO) serves each of the state's 61 LHDs, including all 58 counties plus three cities (Berkeley, Pasadena and Long Beach). Each LHO reports diseases to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) state HO. Primary objectives of disease surveillance are:

  • to raise alerts to the presence of dangerous diseases or conditions;
  • to determine the extent of morbidity within the community;
  • to evaluate risk of transmission;
  • to intervene rapidly when appropriate;
  • to protect the health of patients and the public.

Why else report?
Because it's the law. Penalties for not reporting can be severe.

For example: Per state law, Medical Board of California may discipline a licensee's failure to report as unprofessional conduct, with possible misdemeanor criminal charges incurring fine (up to $1,200) or imprisonment (60 to 180 days) or both fine and imprisonment    (Business and Professions Code, Medical Practice Act -- BPC Sections 2234, 2314, 2315 ).

Who must report?
State law (California Code of Regulations Title 17 -- 17CCR§§2500, 2504, 2505, 2508) details persons who must report a human or animal with a case or suspected case of a dangerous disease or condition. Persons mandated to report include laboratories, health care providers, public health professionals, officials of most types of schools, and certain other persons. "Health care provider" means a physician and surgeon, veterinarian, podiatrist, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, registered nurse, nurse midwife, school nurse, infection control practitioner, medical examiner, coroner, or dentist.

Who is responsible to report in multi-provider settings?
 Per 17CCR§2500(c): "The administrator of each health facility, clinic or other setting where more than one health care provider may know of a case, a suspected case or an outbreak of disease within the facility shall establish and be responsible for administrative procedures to assure that reports are made to the local health officer."

Where and how to report:
Reports must be submitted to the local health department (LHD) of the patient's jurisdiction of residence. All southern California counties plus cities of Pasadena and Long Beach operate their own LHDs. Thus LA County (LAC) DPH accepts case reports only on LA County residents but not Long Beach or Pasadena residents.

What to Report:
Currently about 85 diseases or conditions are reportable in California. Note that the state Department of Public Health (CDPH) maintains and periodically revises the two separate state lists used by all LHDs -- 17CCR§2505 for Laboratories and 17CCR§2500(j) for other mandated reporters -- but note also that each LHD might list additional diseases not on the state's lists that they need to track locally and which might vary by local jurisdiction.
LA County's lists are at the following links and in the Mandatory Reporting Overview Grid (above): 

Other Reporting Resources

VAERS -- Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (not reported to LAC DPH):        
Federal law requires health professionals to report specific adverse events that occur after the administration of routinely recommended vaccines to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Meaningful Use Coordinator:  
Technical assistance and information to help healthcare  providers successfully navigate required electronic reporting.

More information: (NOTE: archival -- content and forms may be outdated.)

To Access the Law Further:

California Code of Regulations, Title 17. Public Health
    Division 1. State Department of Health Services
       Chapter 4. Preventive Medical Service
          Subchapter 1. Reportable Diseases and Conditions
              Article 1. Reporting
                    2500. Reporting to the Local Health Authority.
                    2505. Notification by Laboratories.
                    2508. Reporting by Schools.
         Subchapter 2.5. Disorders Characterized by Lapses of Consciousness

California Medical Practice Act:
   Business and Professions Code - BPC. Division 2. HEALING ARTS.
      CHAPTER 5. Medicine [2000 - 2521]
          Article 12. Enforcement [2220 - 2319]

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