Introducing the Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study

The Aliso Canyon gas well blowout (Disaster) was the largest uncontrolled release from an underground gas storage facility in the history of the United States. It required a multiple agency response and over 8,000 families were temporarily relocated from their homes. Thousands of health-related reports were received during the disaster, and people in the surrounding communities continue to express concerns about the impact of this disaster on their health.

Health Study Purpose

The purpose of the Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study (Health Study) is to contribute to the understanding of the potential short and long-term health impacts of the Aliso Canyon Disaster on people living in the surrounding communities. Typically, health studies are undertaken by scientists to examine the impacts of exposure(s) on the health of specific population(s). Knowledge gained from a health study may inform community stakeholders about potential short and long-term health risks, the allocation of public resources and services, and regulatory policies to prevent environmental disasters and minimize adverse public health impacts arising from them.

Health Study Process

The Health Study is being conducted by a third-party research team and overseen by the Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC), a panel of scientific experts that is responsible for reviewing research plans, evaluating the progress of the research, and providing scientific advice to the third-party researchers. The Community Advisory Group (CAG) and the broader community have been instrumental in providing input and perspectives that have informed the focus of the Health Study and its priorities. Development of the Health Study solicitation was informed by advice from leading researchers and best practices from existing major health studies.

Independent research teams and organizations were invited to submit research proposals aimed at scientifically evaluating the health impacts from the disaster and exposure to natural gas and its constituents from the Southern California Gas Company (SoCal Gas) Aliso Canyon underground gas storage facility in Los Angeles County. After a competitive process and an evaluation by a panel of independent medical and scientific experts, the Regents of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) was selected to conduct the Health Study Research.

For information on the scope of the Health Study, click here


Newsletter Archive

Project Status

Health Concerns

  1. Health priority concerns identified by community and experts
  2. Health Research goals and priorities being finalized by Scientific Oversight Committee

  1. Public Health releases Request for Proposal (RFP)
  2. Proposals evaluated by Rating Panel
  3. Public Health awards research funds

  1. Research undertaken
  2. Research progress and findings reviewed by Scientific Oversight Committee
  3. Communicate findings to the public

  1. Scientific Oversight Committee conducts an evaluation of the Health Study's progress and determines if the Health Study continues beyond three years