For Providers and Laboratories
HIV Reporting
following documents can be downloaded for HIV reporting.
If you would like to report an HIV case or have any
difficulty retrieving these files, please call (213)
HIV/AIDS Case Reporting
By State law, HIV infection is a
reportable condition in California. This requires
laboratories, health care providers, and testing
providers to report all cases of HIV infection to
their local health department. This reporting
requirement is necessary to timely monitor current
trends in the epidemic and to ensure continued
funding by federal and State funding agencies for
local HIV treatment and prevention services.
California Health and Safety (H&S)
Code Section 121022 (a) requires health care providers
and laboratories to report cases of HIV infection to
local health departments. H&S Code Section 121023 (a)
requires that all CD4 + T-Cell test results also be
reported to the local health department. By law
and per State regulations, laboratories must report all
CD4 + T-Cell test results and any HIV-indicative test,
including all viral load results and confirmed antibody
tests to their local health department within 7 days.
However, H&S Code Section 121023 was amended by AB 1045,
effective January 1, 2010, which allows a clinical
laboratory to not report any CD4+ T-cell test result
that is unrelated to a diagnosed case of HIV infection.
Laboratories are required to report
test results to the local health jurisdiction where the
health care provider facility is located. Laboratories
are responsible for reporting all CD4 T-Cell test
results related to a diagnosed case of HIV infection, as
well as any HIV-indicative test – including all viral
loads (even if undetectable) and confirmed antibody
tests – to L.A. County's Health Officer. The
Health Officer’s designee – Division of HIV and STD
Programs – will follow up with health care providers for
laboratory reports sent in order to complete the
HIV/AIDS Case Report form.
Health care providers are responsible
for providing the client's full name, date of birth and
gender when submitting laboratory requisitions for any
test used to identify HIV, a component of HIV, or
antibodies or antigens to HIV.
Effective June 2016, the new
regulation below requires acute HIV infection reporting
within one working day of diagnosis.
(k) In addition to routine reporting
requirements set forth in section 2643.5, for acute HIV
infection reporting, health care providers shall report
all cases within one (1) working day to the local health
officer of the jurisdiction in which the patient resides
by telephone. If evidence of acute HIV infection is
based on presence of HIV p24 antigen, providers shall
not wait until HIV-1 RNA is detected before reporting to
the local health officer.
Labs and health care providers may
call (213) 351-8516 to report a case of acute HIV
Laboratory Test HIV Reporting
HIV Reporting California
STD Reporting Information
For Reporting Laboratories
California law (17 CCR §2505) requires laboratories to
report positive tests for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia
trachomatis infections, including lymphogranuloma
venereum. STD tests from patients who reside in L.A.
County should be sent to the L.A. County Department of
Public Health, Division of HIV and STD Programs within
one working day after the health care provider, or other
person authorized to retrieve the report, has been
Please fill out the gonorrhea/chlamydia or syphilis
report form and send to the Division of HIV and STD
Programs by fax or mail:
Fax (both sides): |
(213) 749-9602 |
Mail: |
Division of HIV and STD Programs, 600 South Commonwealth
Avenue, 10th Floor, Suite 1280, Los Angeles, CA 90005 |
If you would prefer to submit reports electronically, please contact the Clinical Guidance and Nursing Unit at (213) 368-7441.
For Reporting Providers
STDs diagnosed in patients who reside
in L.A. County should be reported to the L.A. County
Department of Public Health, Division of HIV and STD
Programs using the
STD CMR form
. -
Updated October 2024
The form can be typed or hand-written
and you may return it to DHSP by either:
Fax (both sides): |
(213) 749-9602 |
Mail: |
Division of HIV and STD Programs, 600 South Commonwealth
Avenue, 10th Floor, Suite 1280, Los Angeles, CA 90005 |
If you would like a custom electronic
version of the form pre-populated with your information,
please email all information requested in Section 1 of
the CMR to:
California law
requires health care providers to report chlamydia
(including LGV), gonorrhea, and chancroid within 7
calendar days of diagnosis and to report syphilis within
1 working day. The reporting of STDs does not require
patient consent and does not contradict the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) Privacy Rule.
If you have questions about
reporting STDs, please call (213) 368-7441.