to Healthy Pets Healthy Families (HPHF)
Pets can be a lot of fun for the whole family and provide many benefits. However, it is
important to stay safe around dogs and remember that, in
certain situations, any dog may bite.
Our program monitors dog bites in Los Angeles County
(LAC) and we receive over
9,000 animal bite reports each year
this is just the tip of the iceberg. National surveys
indicate that between
1 to 1.8 percent of the US population
are bitten each year, so it is clear that bites are under-reported.
Dog bite facts in Los Angeles County
Children 9 years old and younger are
more frequently bitten by dogs
Most often, people are bitten
by a dog they know, not strays
Many bites occur at the dog's home, but
some occur when a dog gets off its
Bites can occur when someone misread a
dog's behavior or when dogs become too
excited or fearful
What can you do to reduce
dog bites in Los Angeles County
Never approach a dog that you don't know
Always monitor children around dogs,
even if it is your own pet or a dog you
know. Children are frequently not able
to recognize cues from the dog
indicating that it's anxious or scared
and therefore more likely to bite
Always keep your dog on a 6-foot leash
when taking it for a walk. Maintain
control of the dog at all times
Respect your pet's space. Don't startle
them, especially when they're sleeping
Teach your children that strange dogs
may not like them - not all dogs are
friendly like the one you own
Secure your yard so that your dog can't
go roaming and meet strangers
Properly train your dog to be obedient.
Consult with your veterinarians or an
animal trainer for more information
What the HPHF coalition does
to prevent dog bites in Los Angeles County
In our county, anyone with knowledge of an animal bite
should report it to our offices (reporting forms are
here) so we can rule out
rabies exposure. Generally, pets are quarantined at
home for 10 days. If the animal is healthy 10 days after
the bite, there is no risk of rabies. The risk of rabies
in local dogs and cats is very small but we still want
to protect pets and people against this disease.
VPH and our partners with the 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy
Families Initiative (HPHF) are also very active to
provide education in our community education to prevent
dog bites, especially in schools.
More useful information
about bite prevention
Last updated: February 2, 2017