Community Pedestrian Plan
Step by Step Los Angeles County: Pedestrian Plans for Unincorporated Communities is a master plan for pedestrian safety in Los Angeles County that will include a Community Pedestrian Plan for Willowbrook/West Rancho Dominguez.
A pedestrian plan is a study of where our streets and sidewalks could be better places to walk; and includes projects that the County could implement like high-visibility crosswalks, signals, lighting, and parkway trees to encourage safe walking and rolling in your community.
On December 12, 2023, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to adopt the Willowbrook/West Rancho Dominguez Community Pedestrian Plan.
Hard copies of the plan are available at the following County libraries in Willowbrook and West Rancho Dominguez:
AC Bilbrew Library - 150 E. El Segundo Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90061
Willowbrook Library - 11737 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90059
Read the plan here: StepbyStep_Chapter_14_Willowbrook_West_Rancho_Dominguez_Draft_Community_Pedestrian_Plan.pdf
How Willowbrook and West Rancho Dominguez Shaped This Plan

In collaboration with the Department of Public Health and the Department of Public Works,
Los Angeles Walks led outreach efforts in two phases, before and after the draft Plan was released in October 2022. The first phase of outreach helped the project team understand barriers and opportunities for walking in Willowbrook/West Rancho Dominguez. Efforts included attending existing meetings held by community organizations, schools, and neighborhood groups; tabling at community events; convening focus groups; stakeholder interviews; surveys; community workshops; and community data collection activities.
Stakeholders were also encouraged to complete a survey on their current walking habits, concerns, and desired projects. The project team collected a total of 86 surveys, which were available in English and Spanish.
Respondents identified the top three areas of concerns as:
- Fear of theft or robbery
- Poor lighting at night
- Aggressive driver behaviors
Check out this StoryMap to learn more about the experience of walking in Willowbrook and West Rancho Dominguez.
Willowbrook/West Rancho Dominguez by the numbers
- The rate of motor vehicle collision involving pedestrians in Willowbrook is 21.4%, compared to 21% for LA County. Source: LAC VZ Collision Database 2010-2014
- Over 39% of Willowbrook residents 18 or older are considered obese, compared to 30% for LA County. Source: AskCHIS UCLA, 2020.
- Youth obesity in Willowbrook is 44%, compared to 34% for LA County. Source: AskCHIS UCLA, 2020.
- The rate of households with no vehicles in Willowbrook is 10.4%, compared to 9% for LA County. Source: ACS 2018 5-year.
- Willowbrook has 3.6 park acres per 1,000 residents, whereas the County average is 3.3 park acres per 1,000. According to the Countywide park needs assessment, Willowbrook has a high park need. Source: Los Angeles Countywide Comprehensive Park & Recreation Needs Assessment (Appendix A).
The Community Pedestrian Plan will help the County address corridors that have concentrations of collisions, identified in red on the map.
These corridors were identified as having had 3 or more fatal or severe injury collisions within a half mile segment between 2013-2017.
They are are the focus of the County’s Vision Zero traffic safety initiative, which aims to eliminate fatal injury traffic collisions on County roadways by 2035.
They are also part of the 3.8% of County maintained roadways where 50% of all fatal and severe injury collisions have occurred.
By working with community to understand concerns and opportunities for walkability enhancements the Pedestrian Plans will help the County achieve the Vision Zero goal.

How to report issues to the County
problems such as graffiti, potholes, illegal dumping, street light or
signal issues, and more to the Department of Public Works at:
Go mobile! Report problems while walking in your community. Download
Los Angeles County The Works app to your phone!
Find Public Works projects in your community
Los Angeles County Public Works is the agency responsible for road projects in unincorporated areas, including safety enhancements for walking. Their website includes a map of planned, in-progress, and completed transportation and water projects, often with project fact sheets and contact information. Click here to see the map: LA County Infrastructure Projects Map
to contact your Board of Supervisors office
Hall of Administration, room 866
500 W. Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
phone: (213) 974-5555 |
Lennox Office 4343 Lennox Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90304
phone: (310) 680-8601 |