Director Barbara Ferrer
Welcome to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health!

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) works to protect and improve health and well-being in the largest county in the United States. Los Angeles County is home to over 10 million residents and a travel destination for millions each year.

One of the Department’s top priorities is to advance health equity. Research has increasingly shown that social and economic conditions contribute to approximately 40% of community health and longevity. Public Health is committed to reducing health disparities through collaborations with a wide-range of partners. The Department strives to support policies, practices and programs that lead to healthier environments.

Public Health's mission is to protect health, prevent disease, and promote health and well-being for everyone in Los Angeles County. With 14 Public Health Centers located throughout LA County, the Department provides free and/or low-cost services to those with no insurance or regular health care provider, including immunizations and communicable disease testing and treatment.

Public Health promotes healthy behaviors such as engaging in regular physical activity, eating healthy foods, and refraining from tobacco use, to reduce the likelihood of developing a chronic disease. We advocate for access to health care coverage and a regular source of care, or medical home, which are important for early detection and management of chronic diseases. Public Health also ensures safe drinking water, promotes childhood vaccinations, and provides sexual health education to ensure the health of all residents. Additionally, Public Health Nurses make home visits to families and to first-time pregnant women; epidemiologists investigate the sources of disease outbreaks; and, Environmental Health Specialists ensure safe food, water, and housing.

I am proud to work along with over 4,000 Public Health professionals working to improve health and wellness across Los Angeles County. Please explore our website to discover the many ways that Public Health is working for you.


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Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services