Community Experiences: Survey on Odors and Health Impacts near the Chiquita Canyon Landfill Incident
Since early 2022, the Chiquita Canyon Landfill (CCL) has been experiencing a reaction in an inactive area of the landfill, leading to several issues for community members nearby. These include unpleasant odors being released, which have resulted in thousands of complaints. In response, multiple local, state, and federal agencies continue working together with the owners of Chiquita Canyon Landfill and have taken actions to control, monitor, and reduce the landfill gases and unpleasant odors from the reaction area.
- Your location when you smell the odor and types of odors you notice
- How strong the odors are
- What time of day that you notice the odors and for how long
- Any effects these odors have on your health and daily activities
This survey will continue to be open during and for a period of time after completion of installation of a protective cover over the reaction area at the landfill. A summary of survey responses will be posted on this website each month.
Your responses to the survey are confidential and information from the survey will be shared without identifying any individuals who answered survey questions. Your feedback can help Los Angeles County and its State and Federal partners improve monitoring and response efforts, identify patterns, and enhance our understanding of the environmental conditions related to this reaction. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary.
Thank you for participating and sharing your experiences.
Summary of Survey Responses as of March 5, 2025.
Heat Map

The heat map shows where survey respondents indicated they experienced the odor. Dark red areas represent the highest number of responses, while lighter orange areas indicate fewer responses. This map highlights the locations where survey respondents indicate they smelled the odors, but it does not show the severity of any reported odors.
Pie Chart Cluster Map

The pie chart cluster map groups survey responses by location where the odor was experienced and displays them as pie charts. The size of each chart represents the total number of responses in that area, while the slices show the different levels of odor severity. Larger pie charts indicate areas with more responses indicated, and the colors within each chart reflect the reported severity of odors.
To view a summary of all the responses to date, please click the button below.
Method: The survey was launched on October, 28, 2024. Data is collected through an online form, which can be completed on a computer or smartphone. The survey is available 24/7, allowing individuals to fill it out whenever they notice an odor. Each time an odor is experienced, participants are encouraged to complete a survey for that specific occurrence, providing the relevant details. The survey can be submitted as many times as odors are noticed.
South Coast AQMD is authorized by law to respond to air quality complaints within its jurisdiction. Participants are also encouraged to report any strong odors, smoke, dust, or other air pollutants (except for smoking vehicles) directly to South Coast AQMD through their online complaint system or by calling 1-800-CUT SMOG® (