Contact Information

For CCS Program
Toll Free #:
Fax Number:      1-855-481-6821

For CHDP Program
Toll Free #:        
Fax Number:       (626)-569-9350

9320 Telstar Ave., Suite #226
El Monte, CA 91731   

Job Openings

We are hiring!
CCS is currently hiring:
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
- Registered Nurse
Please check out our Jobs page for more details.

Per diem/Consultative positions:
- MFTs
- Psychologists
Please check out our position's page for more details.

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   California Children's Services (CCS) Program
General Program Information:  


Fax icon

New Fax Number and CMS Client Separator Page

Effective October 25, 2013, we have implemented a new digital fax system along with a new fax number and fax cover sheet/client separator page. This new system allows us to digitally receive and process your faxed documents (e.g., SARs, supporting medical documentation) to our CCS staff, and accurately track the status of all faxed documents.

In order to utilize this new digital system, your requests and supporting documents

        1) Be faxed to our new fax number: 855-481-6821; and
        2) Include a CCS Client Separator Page (fax cover sheet) pdf icon for each CCS patient.

Please see the 10/25/13 Provider Bulletin pdf icon for more information.

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How to become a CCS provider (Individual Provider)

In order to be authorized to provide services to CCS clients, an individual provider must:

1)    Have/Obtain a current National Provider Identification (NPI) number and be either an active
        Medi-Cal or Denti-Cal provider. To apply for either of these designations, follow the
        instructions below:       
                - NPI number (apply here
                Remember to also register your NPI number with Medi-Cal (Click Here
                - Medi-Cal (apply here) or Denti-Cal provider (apply here)

2)     Apply for State CCS paneling (apply here)

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How to become a CCS provider? (Hospitals and Special Care Centers)

Hospitals and Special Care Centers must follow certain operative procedures and standards to be approved by the State CMS Branch Office. For a list of these standards, please visit the State CCS Web site

To determine if your facility is already authorized to provide CCS services, please visit the State’s website as applicable: CCS Provider Lists or Special Care Center Directory

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What is CMS Net?

CMS Net the State of California's full-scope case management system for the Program. As of April 12, 2010, all California counties use this system to manage CCS client cases.

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Program referral submission

Program referrals must be submitted on the appropriate "Service Authorization Request (SAR)" form and must faxed to the LA County CCS Office at 1-800-924-1154. To expedite the process, it is important that providers:

       - Follow December 15, 2010 Provider Bulletin pdf icon
       - Review entire form for completion
       - Check patient’s CCS eligibility before submitting a SAR
       - Provide detailed documentation to support service request
              Examples of supporting documentation:
                  Four square bullet image   medical reports to support suspicion or confirmation of a CCS eligible medical
                  Four square bullet image   Prescriptions;
                  Four square bullet image   Clinic visit reports;
                  Four square bullet image   Evaluation reports;

If the SAR is incomplete and/or lacks supporting documentation to substantiate medical necessity, CCS will reject the request.
   Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program
Frequently Asked Questions  


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Who can be a CHDP Provider?

Individual physicians and medical groups, clinics or organizations may apply to be certified as CHDP Providers. 

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What is in the agreement between the CHDP Provider and the CHDP Program? 

The CHDP Provider agrees to provide all the required CHDP services as defined in the CHDP Health Assessment Guidelines and regular CHDP Program Information Notices and communications. 

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May a physician utilize a Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant to perform the CHDP examination? 

Yes, if the supervising physician is a CHDP certified provider and the allied health professional has sufficient training and experience to perform the examination competently. Each physician, nurse practitioner, and/or physicians assistant must have adequate documentation in order to qualify to be a CHDP provider. 

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How can I apply to be a CHDP provider?

You can contact the CHDP Headquarters Provider Desk at 1-800-993-2437 and ask for an application. Our CHDP staff can assist you in filling out the application and answer any questions you may have. 


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CHDP Audiometric Screening Training for Providers 

Click here pdf icon for Registration form 
Click here pdf icon for Syllabus
Click here pdf icon for Pre-Test
Click here pdf icon for Steps of Play Audiometry

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Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services