Summary of Recent Changes
Note: Because of the congregate living arrangements in long-term care facilities (LTCFs): skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), intermediate care facilities (ICFs), and congregate living health facilities (CLHFs), the risk of COVID-19 transmission remains higher in these settings compared with the general population. In addition, there is a high prevalence of certain medical conditions associated with severe COVID-19 among people residing in LTCFs, increasing the risk for severe outcomes from COVID-19 in this population.
Per Cal/OSHA, all individuals with COVID-19 need to wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask for a total of 10 days after their symptoms began or, if they do not have symptoms, the date of their initial positive test, whenever they are around others. This includes individuals who test positive or are diagnosed with COVID-19 and have no symptoms or only mild symptoms.
Staff at all licensed healthcare facilities, including SNFs, ICFs, and CLHFs, are required to receive the current season’s flu and updated COVID-19 vaccination or wear a respiratory mask for the duration of respiratory virus season (November 1st-April 30th) while in contact with residents or when in any resident care area in the facility.
Note: Where differences exist between the most current Federal, Cal/OSHA, CDPH, and LA County guidelines and requirements, LTCFs are to follow the most protective guidance and requirements.
During the respiratory virus season that typically begins in late fall and continues through early spring, LTCFs observe an increase in the number of residents experiencing respiratory symptoms. There are many viruses that can cause respiratory illness including, but not limited to, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19).
Optimal management of potential viral respiratory illnesses in LTCFs will depend on many factors, such as suspicion or detection of single or concurrent viruses and a facility’s ability to separate persons with confirmed/suspected infection(s). It can be challenging to appropriately cohort symptomatic residents and their close contacts if private rooms are not available. Managing a resident who develops acute symptoms compatible with a viral respiratory illness can be further complicated if timely access to diagnostic testing is not available. It is not possible to provide prescriptive or standard recommendations that can be applied across all settings. Therefore, facilities must understand and adapt the principles and framework described in this document for testing and managing persons with an acute respiratory illness of suspected infectious etiology. Additionally, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LAC DPH) provides consultation and tailored recommendations for facilities experiencing suspected and confirmed outbreaks.
These guidelines focus on management of influenza in the context of COVID-19*. This is because influenza and SARS-CoV-2 are the viral respiratory pathogens that are associated with the greatest morbidity and mortality in the LTCF population. In addition, both diseases can be prevented with vaccines and treated with effective therapeutic options.
*COVID-19 specific guidance for SNFs and ICFs/CLHFs can be found on the LTCF homepage.
Vaccination is the single best preventive measure. Ensuring high facility-wide vaccine coverage among residents and staff for both influenza and COVID-19 can substantially reduce the risk of experiencing an outbreak. For individuals, vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization, admission to the ICU, and death. Prior to the start of every respiratory virus season, facilities should ensure that residents are up to date with their vaccinations against influenza, COVID-19, pneumococcal pneumonia*, and RSV. All residents should be offered the influenza and COVID-19 vaccines for the current season or have documentation indicating reason for declination. The goal is for all staff and all residents to get and stay up to date on their recommended vaccines.
As a part of their occupational or employee health program, every LTCF should also offer the influenza vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine for the current season to all staff members before every respiratory virus season, as well as the RSV vaccine for certain staff members (e.g. pregnant persons, staff above 60 years of age) when recommended. Facilities should have established policies and procedures to ensure that staff either receive both the influenza vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine for the current season, or mask for the entirety of the respiratory virus season, as required by the Los Angeles County Health Officer Order (HOO). Additional resources, including FAQs about the Health Officer Order, can be found here. LTCFs are also required to report their healthcare personnel influenza vaccination coverage to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Technical assistance on this reporting requirement can be found from Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG).
Please note that co-administration of more than one vaccine in the same clinic is allowed and encouraged to avoid missed opportunities or delays in vaccination since many of the above-mentioned vaccines are time-sensitive and should be given before the respiratory virus season (influenza, COVID-19, RSV). If vaccines are co-administered, they should be administered at different anatomic sites as per the ACIP General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization (see “Multiple Injections” under the Vaccine Administration section). Additional resources for healthcare professionals are available from the CDC and for long-term care settings from the Immunization Branch of CDPH.
*An additional tool for healthcare providers to determine the recommended pneumococcal vaccine for their patient is provided by the CDC: PneumoRecs VaxAdvisor.
During the respiratory virus season*, a key component of respiratory virus surveillance is active daily symptom screening, followed by prompt diagnostic testing of residents who screen positive. This serves as surveillance both for influenza and COVID-19. Prompt diagnostic testing for both influenza and COVID-19 should be immediately performed for residents with acute respiratory illness.
The symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 significantly overlap, making it difficult to distinguish between the two and other respiratory viral illnesses based on symptoms alone. As a reminder, the signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness common to both influenza and COVID-19 are: fever (≥100°F or 37.8°C), cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, headache, myalgia (muscle pain or body aches), fatigue (tiredness), runny or stuffy nose, vomiting, and diarrhea. Please note that some persons, such as older adults and individuals with immunocompromising conditions, may have atypical clinical presentations, including, but not limited to, the absence of fever, for both influenza and COVID-19.
Promptly identifying respiratory viral illnesses will inform outbreak management decisions such as the appropriate isolation of infected residents and starting antivirals for treatment and prevention. While single cases of non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses (influenza, RSV, etc.) are not reportable to LAC DPH, outbreaks of any respiratory virus are reportable to LAC DPH per Title 17, Section 2500, California Code of Regulations. The outbreak definition for influenza and other non-COVID respiratory viruses:
Other non-influenza, non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses:
*While the respiratory virus season typically ranges from November through April every year, the best way for facilities to stay up to date on local respiratory virus trends is by signing up for Los Angeles County’s respiratory virus surveillance report “RespWatch”, which is sent out weekly . To sign up, email "Subscribe Resp Watch" to or visit this page. Additionally, the CDC updates national influenza surveillance data in their Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report.
Individuals who have signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness are suspected for influenza as well as COVID-19 during the respiratory virus season, and should immediately undergo diagnostic tests to determine if they are confirmed cases of influenza (symptomatic individuals with a positive diagnostic test), COVID-19*, or both. If RSV is circulating, consider using a molecular test that includes RSV in addition to influenza and SARS-CoV-2. It is not recommended to test asymptomatic individuals for influenza, RSV, or other non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses.
A variety of influenza diagnostic tests are available. It is important to understand the limitations of influenza virus tests and how to properly interpret the results. There are two categories of diagnostic tests for the detection of influenza viruses in respiratory specimens:
CDC recommends using molecular assays, including rapid molecular assays and laboratory-based RT-PCR, for diagnostic testing in institutional outbreaks because of the low to moderate sensitivity of antigen detection assays (i.e., antigen tests have a higher likelihood of false negatives). Rapid antigen detection assays can be used if rapid molecular assays are unavailable or laboratory-based molecular assay results are pending. However, negative antigen test results in symptomatic individuals must be confirmed with a molecular assay (RT-PCR) for both influenza and COVID-19.
If two or more residents are ill, symptomatic individuals with ILI or acute respiratory illness who test negative for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 using molecular-based tests (nucleic acid amplification tests including PCR) can then be tested for other respiratory pathogens, including bacterial or viral etiologies (such as RSV), based on what is known or suspected to be circulating in the community. Multiplex assays or laboratory-based respiratory viral panels can be used.
*COVID-19 diagnostic testing is described separately in the COVID-19 guidance for SNFs and ICFs/CLHFs on the LTCF homepage.
Containing an influenza outbreak and mitigating morbidity depends on three key activities: 1) early identification of infected residents and staff (please see “Surveillance and Outbreak Reporting” above), 2) early initiation of antiviral influenza therapy for residents with suspected or confirmed influenza and chemoprophylaxis for exposed residents, and 3) optimal isolation of residents with suspected or confirmed influenza.
All LTCFs should be conducting daily proactive surveillance (symptom screening) of staff and residents as required for COVID-19. Daily surveillance of residents should also include temperature checks and oxygen saturation. All residents with signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness should immediately be tested for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2, preferably at the same time to avoid delays in diagnosis. Please see “Diagnostic Testing” section above for more details.
All LTCF residents with suspected or confirmed influenza should be started on antiviral treatment within 48 hours of symptom onset. Treatment should not be delayed pending test results for residents with strongly suspected influenza unless there is a confirmed active COVID-19 outbreak in the facility. Influenza should be strongly suspected in a resident with acute respiratory symptoms if 1) there are other persons with confirmed influenza at the facility or 2) LA County respiratory virus surveillance data indicate an increase in Countywide transmission of influenza. Oseltamivir is the most commonly used antiviral medication, but other options include oral baloxavir, inhaled zanamivir, and intravenous peramivir. See CDC, Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for Clinicians for more information.
Chemoprophylaxis refers to the use of antiviral medications to prevent influenza in asymptomatic persons either pre- or post-exposure. Oral oseltamivir is the preferred antiviral for chemoprophylaxis, but inhaled zanamivir is also an option. Please see CDC, Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for Clinicians for more information. If symptoms develop, individuals should receive treatment dosing (see above).
LTCFs experiencing a shortage or a low supply of oseltamivir.
When there is a limited supply of oseltamivir, then the treatment of residents with suspected and confirmed influenza should be prioritized over the chemoprophylaxis of asymptomatic persons.
If there is a remaining but limited supply of oseltamivir for chemoprophylaxis, it is recommended that LTCFs prioritize chemoprophylaxis for roommates of suspected/confirmed cases and consider use of inhaled zanamivir or oral baloxavir in addition to, or in place of, oral oseltamivir. Please see CDC, Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for Clinicians for more information.
Residents not receiving chemoprophylaxis as recommended (see above) should be closely monitored for the development of fever and/or respiratory symptoms. If symptoms develop, empiric therapy should be provided as soon as possible without waiting for laboratory confirmation.
Facilities should continue to secure additional supply and can utilize and/or share with their long-term care pharmacy this resource from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Availability of Antiviral Medications. If there are any issues or questions regarding oseltamivir supply, please do not hesitate to contact Public Health at
Appropriate isolation of residents with suspected or confirmed influenza can be logistically challenging given the multiple permutations of residents who could have influenza, COVID-19, coinfection with both viruses, and/or infection with some other respiratory virus.
Below is a brief summary of COVID-19 isolation recommendations. For full details, please refer to the COVID-19 guidance for SNFs and ICFs/CLHFs on the LTCF homepage.
The guidance for isolation for influenza differs from COVID-19 because compared with COVID-19, influenza tends to be less contagious, the morbidity is lower, and there are antivirals authorized as chemoprophylaxis to mitigate influenza spread.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Droplet, contact, and standard precautions are recommended and should be continued until symptoms have improved and the resident is fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medications. Please see LAC DPH’s homepage on RSV for more updated information.
Facilities should encourage staff to get the influenza vaccine if they have not already received it. Influenza infected staff should be excluded from work for at least 7 days after symptom onset or >24 hours after symptom improvement and the individual is fever free without fever reducing medications. Staff with suspected or confirmed influenza should promptly seek medical care to determine if antiviral treatment is appropriate, regardless of vaccination history. Asymptomatic staff may be offered antiviral chemoprophylaxis if indicated as described above.
In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, standard precautions, including well-fitting face masks, are required for caring for all LTCF residents, regardless of the presence of influenza. When caring for residents with a new acute respiratory illness, an N95 respirator should be worn as a part of COVID-19 transmission based precautions until test results are returned and COVID-19 is excluded. See the guidance for SNFs and ICFs/CLHFs on the LTCF homepage for more details.
In addition to required use of face masks by healthcare personnel and visitors, residents are strongly encouraged to wear well-fitting face masks when they are outside their room throughout the respiratory virus season.
There are currently no general restrictions to visitation for either influenza or COVID-19 outbreaks in LTCFs. Visitors should be made aware of any outbreaks occurring at the facility, including influenza and COVID-19. Facilities can do this by posting signage at entrances and sending out communication (letters, emails, texts) to families and visitors. They should also be counseled on their risks of visiting residents who are suspect or confirmed cases of influenza or COVID-19 and should follow healthcare personnel instruction on proper donning and doffing of PPE when applicable. Additional COVID-19 guidance for visitors may apply; please see the COVID-19 guidance for SNFs and ICFs/CLHFs on the LTCF homepage.
If there are concurrent influenza and COVID-19 outbreaks, then the facility should prioritize implementing isolation, PPE use, and other infection control precautions as recommended for COVID-19. If a resident is concurrently diagnosed with influenza and COVID-19 by molecular testing for both viruses, then the resident should ideally be placed in a private room in the designated COVID-19 area. If there are not sufficient private rooms in the COVID-19 area, then consider cohorting “like with like.” Below are examples of cohorting “like with like”:
In general, when there are simultaneous outbreaks of COVID-19 and another non-COVID respiratory virus (influenza, RSV), prioritize the isolation of confirmed COVID-19 cases and avoid movement of residents based on influenza status that could worsen COVID-19 transmission. Similarly, dedicated staffing should be prioritized for the designated COVID-19 isolation area. The rationale behind prioritization of isolation of residents and staff by COVID-19 status over influenza status is because influenza tends to be less contagious, the morbidity and mortality for COVID-19 is higher, and there are more approved pharmacological interventions for mitigating outbreaks of influenza.
Residents who are suspected or confirmed to have co-infections of influenza and COVID-19 should be started on antiviral treatments for both. Influenza antiviral treatment should be started as soon as possible and within 48 hours of symptom onset, even before testing confirmation when suspicion is high (empiric treatment). COVID-19 antivirals, e.g., ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid), should be started in symptomatic persons as soon as testing results confirm infection and within 5 days of symptom onset. Please see the COVID-19 guidance for SNFs and ICFs/CLHFs on the LTCF homepage. LAC DPH’s COVID-19 Therapy for Non-Hospitalized Patients for healthcare providers is another helpful resource. Antiviral regimens for influenza treatment are the same for all individuals regardless of SARS-CoV-2 co-infection. Please note that while Paxlovid can alter the concentration of some drugs, there are no clinically significant drug-drug interactions between the outpatient treatment options for COVID-19 and the influenza antiviral agents. In addition, Paxlovid can be safely co-administered with many commonly used medications despite its drug-drug interaction potential. The Infectious Disease Society of America offers guidance on simple steps that can be taken to avoid significant interactions with commonly prescribed medications, such as brief suspension or dose reduction. Also see the Liverpool COVID-19 Drug Interactions website.