About Housing

Housing refers to the condition of a person's home. This includes the physical and social environments surrounding the home such as air quality, home safety, and the presence of mold, asbestos, or lead. If someone's home is in bad condition, it can negatively impact a person's health and result in chronic disease and injury and poor mental health.

The Environmental Health Division contracts with cities within the County of Los Angeles to conduct routine inspections of rental property with five or more units and complaint investigations at any housing sites. Our Rental Housing Habitability Program conducts routine and complaint investigations at rental housing units within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.

Housing Inspections
Rental Housing Habitability
Hotels, Housing Facilities and Institutions
How and Why to Report problems
Housing Inspection Results

Areas We Serve

The Environmental Health Division has enforcement authority in all cities that have adopted the County Health Code. The cities of Glendale and Torrance have not adopted the housing standards under the County Health Code, and as such the County does not have enforcement authority over housing issues in those cities. In addition, the cities of Long Beach, Pasadena, and Vernon are not under County authority, as they have their own health departments.

Educational Material

It is important for homeowners and property owners to maintain houses and apartment buildings to ensure a healthy and safe living space. The material below provides helpful information regarding the habitability of units.

Mold in the Home
Lead in the Home
Asbestos in the Home
Home Kitchen Self-Inspection

Recovering From Disasters and Environmental Impacts

Indoor Air Pollution
Resources for Flood Cleanup and Indoor Air Quality
RVs - Temporary Use for Housing
Environmental Justice and Climate Health