About Vector Management Program

Vectors, such as rats, mice, and other vermin are known to cause human disease. It is important that proper sanitation is maintained at properties throughout Los Angeles County to eliminate food sources and harborage conditions that can help these vectors to grow and thrive.

The objective of the Vector Management Program is the reduction of the risks of exposure to the pathogens of vector-borne disease through early detection and abatement of those conditions that enhance the transmission of disease to humans. This program consists of two parts, Vector-borne Disease Surveillance and Vector Control.

The Vector-borne Disease Surveillance team conducts routine surveillance of such diseases as plague, flea-borne or murine typhus, Lyme borreliosis, as well as hantaviruses and arenaviruses.

The Vector Control team is responsible for investigating rodent complaints and conducting inspections of licensed animal keeper premises for sanitation concerns in most areas of Los Angeles County.

Learn About Our Services

Vector-borne Disease Surveillance


Vector Control

Animal Keepers Inspection

Areas We Serve

The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health's Environmental Health Division is responsible for ensuring that animals keepers and other properties within unincorporated areas and cities that have adopted the County's ordinance comply with Los Angeles County Code (LACC) and any applicable codes related to rodent infestation.


Report a Problem

If you observe a rodent infestation on a property or observe sanitation concerns at an animal keeper business in an unincorporated area/city in Los Angeles County, you may report this issue by calling (888) 700-9995. In addition, you may also File a Complaint Online.

Contact Us

Tel: (626) 430-5450

County of Los Angeles Public Health
Environmental Health
Vector Management Program
5050 Commerce Drive
Baldwin Park, CA 91706-1423