
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced the release of the inaugural Office of Environmental Justice and Climate Health (OEJCH) Strategic Plan. This comprehensive roadmap outlines a path to protect Los Angeles County residents from the harmful effects of toxic exposure and climate change.

Created in collaboration with community, agency, and government partners, the Strategic Plan focuses on five key areas:

Strategic Plan 2024-2029 :

Summary of Strategic Plan 2024-2029 :

Summary of public comments incorporated into the strategic plan :

Public comments received during the 30-day comment period :

History of the OEJCH

On April 5, 2022, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion to establish the Office of Environmental Justice and Climate Health (OEJCH). The goal of OEJCH is to advance the County's commitment to improve public health outcomes and reduce public health disparities in communities overburdened by pollution exposure and poor air quality. The directive included the development of a strategic plan and shifted OEJCH's focus from emergency response to prevention.

Strategic Planning Process

To create the Strategic Plan, the Office of Environmental Justice and Climate Health in collaboration with Estolano Advisors and five community-based partners, hosted nine community workshops across the County to invite input to help shape the OEJCH's priorities for the next five years. Additionally, the following engagements were completed:

Past Meetings Resource(s)

Virtual Countywide Meeting

January 25, 2024

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Climate Effects on Health

Learn About How Extreme Heat Impacts Health

Our Programs

Climate Health

The Office of Environmental Justice and Climate Health was established to advance the County's commitment to improve public health outcomes and reduce public health disparities in communities overburdened by pollution exposure and poor air quality.

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Contact Us

Call us at (626) 430-9820 or email DPH-OEJCH@ph.lacounty.gov.