
Rodents such as rats and mice can spread disease to humans and destroy property. Disease can be spread to humans by an infected flea bite, or by direct contact with infected rodents, their urine, feces, or nests. Rats are most commonly seen in trees, along wires and fences, or running along outdoor pathways. Mice are more often seen inside homes and other buildings. Signs of rodents include visible droppings, noise within walls, and signs of teeth marks or chewing on objects and food packages. No matter what type of rodent is present, it should be removed.

For questions about rats and mice, visit Vector Management Program page or call (626) 430-5450

Read below to find out more about rodents and how to report a problem.

Keep Rats and Mice Away

You can take steps to keep rodents away from your home. Remove any sources of food and water, like pet food left out overnight or rotten fruit or nuts from trees. Get rid of items that can provide rodents shelter, so they will be less likely to stay and breed in your yard. To prevent rodents from coming inside your home, close off all openings more than 1/4-inch-wide, especially around pipes and conduits. Cracks around doors, vents, windows, and other such openings should be covered with "rat proof" materials, such as sheet metal.

Follow the link below for more detailed information on keeping rodents out of your home.

Get Rid of Rats and Mice

It is important to get rid of rats and mice in and around your home. If there are rodents inside your home, it is best to use snap traps. If you use poison bait, the rodent might die in an area that you can’t reach, causing bad smells and attracting flies. Poison baits can sometimes be used outside, but must be used carefully to prevent accidental poisoning or illness to children and pets.

Important safety information- Always read and follow the instructions on the label of all pesticide products you are using. Avoid contact with live rodents and always wear rubber, latex, vinyl or nitrile gloves when handling dead rodents and their urine, feces, or nests. Open doors to unoccupied structures and allow them to air out prior to entering and cleaning.

Dead rodents and traps need to be properly thrown away. Disinfect snap-trapped rodents and any surfaces or materials contaminated with rodent droppings or urine, including nesting material, by wetting them down with a household or general-purpose disinfectant. Remove disinfected materials with a paper towel or cloth dampened with disinfectant and place in a plastic trash bag and seal. Then place in a second plastic bag and secure. That plastic bag can be thrown away with other household trash in a garbage can with a tight-fitting lid. Finally, disinfect and rinse gloves prior to removing them, throw them in a plastic trash bag and secure. As a last step, wash your hands with soap and water.

Information on Rats/Mice

Report a Problem

If you rent a home in Los Angeles County, you may report problems with rodents to 888-700-9995. You can also File a Complaint Online. An inspector may be able to visit your home and determine if there is a problem that the property owner is required to address.