Welcome to the Los Angeles County (LAC) Department of Public Health (DPH) Antibiogram Dashboard. This dashboard provides annual summaries of antimicrobial susceptibility (%S) rates for selected bacterial pathogens tested in LAC clinical laboratories associated with acute care hospitals. Methodology and additional information can be found here: About the Antibiogram. Although hospitals located in Long Beach and Pasadena, are affiliated with individual DPHs in those jurisdictions, data has been included for more comprehensive regional coverage. Hospitals are required to submit antibiogram data to LAC annually and these are aggregated into a multifacility community antibiogram. Data from individual hospitals were aggregated to calculate a regional percent susceptibility (%S) for each organism-antimicrobial combination. The percent susceptibility rates provide insight into antimicrobial resistance in LAC and can be used as a benchmark by individual facilities. Complete reports of the antibiogram data can be found here.


  1. Navigating this dashboard: 
    1. Multiple selections can be made within "year, organism, and antimicrobial agent" boxes by holding CTRL while clicking on the desired variables. Please note that data for multiple years are not combined when multiple years are selected.
    2. In the table, data within a column can be sorted by clicking on the column header.
    3. Data displayed can be copied and downloaded into an Excel file by clicking on the three dots at the top right corner of the table and selecting "Export data."
  2. %S rates for each organism/antimicrobial agent combination were obtained by aggregating annual antibiogram data submitted from approximately 80 to 90 hospitals each year. Because %S was calculated by dividing the sum of all isolates susceptible by the sum of all isolates tested, some values do not fall within the inter-quartile range (IQR).
  3. The number of “isolates tested” is impacted by the antimicrobial agents tested and reported by the hospitals; not all hospitals provided data for every antimicrobial agent listed. Some organism/antimicrobial combinations are calculated from fewer than the standard recommendation of 30 isolates.
  4. Some multifacility organizations elected to combine data from multiple facilities for their antibiogram submission. The IQR may be skewed slightly since it is based on the number of antibiograms submitted.
  5. A change in the %S rate for an individual organism/antimicrobial combination is the difference in %S between the selected and previous year,: 2020 %S is compared to 2019 %S; 2019 %S is compared to 2018 %S; and 2018 %S is compared to 2017 %S. Chi square was used to determine if the change from year to year was statistically significant and is denoted by red text.

Data Sources:

An LAC DPH Health Officer Order issued in January 2017 mandated that all acute care hospitals in the county submit their facility’s annual antibiogram data to DPH, beginning with data from 2016. Each annual antibiogram data encompasses a calendar year (January 1st – December 31st). Hospitals are encouraged to follow the most current CLSI M39 guideline for antibiogram preparation and this guideline was used to determine which organisms to include in the LAC multifacility report.

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. 2022. Analysis and Presentation of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Data; Approved Guideline - Fifth Edition. CLSI, Wayne, PA.