Welcome to the Los Angeles County (LAC) Department of Public Health (DPH) Antibiogram Dashboard. This dashboard provides annual summaries of antimicrobial susceptibility (%S) rates for selected bacterial pathogens tested in LAC clinical laboratories associated with acute care hospitals. Methodology and additional information can be found here:
About the Antibiogram. Although hospitals located in Long Beach and Pasadena, are affiliated with individual DPHs in those jurisdictions, data has been included for more comprehensive regional coverage. Hospitals are required to submit antibiogram data to LAC annually and these are aggregated into a multifacility community antibiogram. Data from individual hospitals were aggregated to calculate a regional percent susceptibility (%S) for each organism-antimicrobial combination. The percent susceptibility rates provide insight into antimicrobial resistance in LAC and can be used as a benchmark by individual facilities. Complete reports of the antibiogram data can be found
Data Sources: An LAC DPH Health Officer Order issued in January 2017 mandated that all acute care hospitals in the county submit their facility’s annual antibiogram data to DPH, beginning with data from 2016. Each annual antibiogram data encompasses a calendar year (January 1st – December 31st). Hospitals are encouraged to follow the most current CLSI M39 guideline for antibiogram preparation and this guideline was used to determine which organisms to include in the LAC multifacility report. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. 2022. Analysis and Presentation of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Data; Approved Guideline - Fifth Edition. CLSI, Wayne, PA. |