In October 2011, DPH-SAPC and the Los Angeles County Probation Department (Probation) partnered to implement an assessment process and patient flow in response to the Public Safety Realignment Act or more commonly referred to as Assembly Bill 109 (AB 109).
AB 109 called for the release of low-level felons from state prison to County Probation supervision, known as Post-release Supervised Persons (PSPs), and allowed new County offenders charged with offenses that are considered Non-violent, Non-serious,
and Non-sexual (N3) to serve time in County jail versus state prison with condition of probation supervision upon release (known as N3 Splits).
Substance Treatment and Re-entry Transition Community - (START-Community)
The START-Community program offers eligible inmates the opportunity to complete the final 90 days of their sentence in a community-based SUD residential treatment facility.
Individuals participating in START-Community will remain under the supervision of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for the duration of their treatment.
Upon completion/release, step down services including outpatient treatment and/or recovery support services are offered on a voluntary basis.
For more information, view the
START-Community Fact Sheet.
AB 109 Post-Release Co-Occurring Integrated Care Network (COIN Program)
DPH-SAPC, Probation and DMH implemented the Co-Occurring Integrated Care Network (COIN) program in 2015.
COIN provides integrated SUD and mental health treatment to AB 109 participants who have a chronic SUD and severe and persistent mental illness.
Clients are referred by the Los Angeles County Superior Court, Revocation Court (Division 83), for residential treatment.