Substance Abuse Prevention and Control

Fiscal & Operational Efficiency

As of the implementation of behavioral health payment reform in July 2023, DMC-ODS services are reimbursed via fee-for-service (FFS) instead of being reimbursed via cost reconciliation (reconciling to the lesser of costs or charges), and there are practitioner-level rates for outpatient services. This effectively means that once a claim has been approved and paid, there will be no other reconciliations or payments involved for that claim. This change brings significant opportunity if agencies optimize their fiscal and operational efficiencies by ensuring that enough appropriate treatment services are delivered to generate sufficient revenue to cover operational costs. This component of Capacity Building is focused on making investments to support this optimization.
    Accounting Systems and Capacity (3-A)
    Opportunity supports investment in new accounting systems and/or to strengthen existing accounting systems and organizational capacity to purchase/upgrade software to monitor expenses and revenue, staff enrollment in accounting or business courses to increase organizational capacity, attend formal training(s) /course(s) in non-profit organization management and other tracker/tools that captures productivity or activities to facilitate easier revenue and expenditure tracking. Submit invoice by 9/15/24 for Start-Up funds and verification of expenditures by 3/31/25. Available to agencies who did not participate in FY 23-24.
    Quality Management Systems and Capacity (3-B)- New
    Opportunity supports investment in new or strengthening of data and quality management systems and organizational capacity. development of internal infrastructure is critical, funding may be used for purchase/upgrade data or quality management software, enrollment of staff in data management, and improvement of organizational, development of trackers, tools and reports capturing quality management. Submit invoice by 9/15/24 for Start-Up funds and verification of expenditure by 3/31/25.
    Opportunity further supports providers development of expenditure and revenue management skills, building on CIBHS’s Assessing & Enhancing Financial health (AEFH) training. Open to agencies that participated in the FY 23-24 AEFH training and developed an Impact Logic Model. Project is deliverable based and will be paid after the progress reports are submitted indicating progress/completion of targeted goals.
Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services