PLACE Website

PLACE Program
3530 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 351-7825
Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities for Active Transportation
Active Transportation Program
Caltrans administers the Active Transportation Program (ATP), which combines several formerly separate funding sources for bicycling, walking, recreational trails, and Safe Routes to School. Both infrastructure and programs are eligible, either as stand alone elements or in combination. Objectives include increasing the use of active transportation, reducing injuries to people bicycling and walking, improving public health outcomes, and delivering benefits to disadvantaged communities. Requests must be for at least $250,000 (except for Safe Routes to School projects). While there is no maximum limit, it is common for individual cities to request anywhere from $1-10 million, while multi-jurisdictional projects often ask for more. More information is available on Caltrans’ ATP page.
  • Please click here to access our guide to writing an application for ATP Cycle 2.
  • Please click here to access our guidance to question 4 “impact on public health” for ATP Cycle 2.

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)
Metro is responsible for allocating discretionary federal, state and local transportation funds to improve all modes of surface transportation. Metro also prepares the Los Angeles County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A key component of TIP is the Call for Projects program, a competitive process that distributes transportation funds to regionally significant projects. Every other year, Metro accepts Call for Projects applications in seven categories: Regional Surface Transportation Improvements; Goods Movement; Signal Synchronization and Bus Speed Improvements; Transportation Demand Management; Bikeways Improvements; Pedestrian Improvements; Transit Capital; and Transportation Enhancement Activities). Local jurisdictions, transit operators, and other public agencies are encouraged to submit applications proposing projects for funding.

In addition to the Call for Projects, Metro also administers a program called the Transportation Development Act, Article 3. These funds are used by cities within the County for the planning and construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and may include engineering expenses, right-of-way acquisition, purchase and installation of bicycle facilities, and other activities.

HSIP (Highway Safety Improvement Program) Projects
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a core Federal-aid program intended to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads through the implementation of infrastructure-related safety improvements. Administered by Caltrans, California's HSIP focuses on infrastructure projects with nationally recognized crash reduction factors, though non-infrastructure programs can be included to support infrastructure improvements. Projects must be identified on the basis of crash experience, crash potential, crash rate, or other data-supported means. About $150 million was awarded Statewide in the most recent cycle.

Recreational Trails Program
The California Department of Parks and Recreation oversees the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), which has both motorized and non-motorized components. The non-motorized portion funds off-street bicycle paths, walking/hiking trails, and equestrian trails that connect neighborhoods with parks, natural areas, or other recreational resources. Trailside landscaping is eligible, but must serve a functional purpose (e.g., protecting the trail from erosion). About $8.4 million was awarded Statewide in the most recent cycle.

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program
The Strategic Growth Council oversees this State program, funded from AB 32 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) revenues. The program funds land-use, housing, transportation, and land preservation projects to support infill and compact development that reduces vehicle travel and greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions. Other objectives include improving public health, serving disadvantaged communities, protecting agricultural land, and improving mobility and connectivity. Active transportation infrastructure and programs are eligible, but usually must be combined with other elements. The AHSC program is currently allocated 20 percent of GGRF revenues each fiscal year, starting in 2015-16.

People for Bikes Community Grants
The People for Bikes (formerly Bikes Belong) Community Grant Program
provides up to $10,000 for bicycle infrastructure projects and targeted advocacy initiatives. These projects include bike paths and rail trails, as well as mountain bike trails, bike parks, BMX facilities, and large-scale bicycle advocacy initiatives. PeopleForBikes accepts grant applications from non-profit organizations with a focus on bicycling, active transportation, or community development; from city or county agencies or departments; and from state or federal agencies working locally. Grants will fund engineering and design work, construction costs including materials, labor, and equipment rental, and reasonable volunteer support costs. For advocacy projects, the program will fund staffing that is directly related to accomplishing the goals of the initiative. Generally, one to two open grant cycles are held each year.

Alliance for Biking and Walking
Bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations play an important role in improving and increasing biking and walking in local communities, states, and provinces. The Alliance for Biking and Walking’s Advocacy Advance Grants enable state and local bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations to develop, transform, and provide innovative strategies in their communities. The Advocacy Advance Grants are one-year grants, awarded two times per year (Spring and Summer) to startup organizations and innovative campaigns. Through the Advocacy Advance Partnership with the League of American Bicyclists, the Alliance provides technical assistance, coaching, and training to supplement the grants.

Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Grants
California’s Office of Traffic Safety provides grants for pedestrian and bicycle traffic safety education for people of all ages. Goals include reducing the number of traffic collisions and injuries -- both overall and among specific age groups -- as well as increasing bicycle helmet law compliance among children. More information is available at OTS’ website.

Funding Opportunities for Healthy Planning, Open Space, and Conservation
Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grants
Sustainable Transportation Planning grant funds are available from Caltrans for planning projects that improve mobility and connectivity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve safety, assist low-income communities suffering from environmental health disparities, and lead to the eventual implementation of transportation improvements. For the 2015-16 cycle, two categories of funding were available: Strategic Partnerships, which funds large, multi-jurisdictional efforts led by regional Metropolitan Planning Organizations; and Sustainable Communities, which supports local-scale plans focused on a particular city, community, or corridor. More information is available through the program website.

SCAG Sustainability Planning Grants
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) provides Sustainability Planning Grants, which are opportunities for local planning efforts to become regional showcases for great planning. The program provides direct technical assistance to SCAG member jurisdictions to complete planning and policy efforts that enable implementation of the regional Sustainable Communities Strategy. Grants are available in three categories:
  •  Integrated Land Use – Sustainable Land Use Planning, Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Land Use & Transportation Integration
  • Active Transportation – Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School Plans
  • Green Region – Natural Resource Plans, Climate Action Plans (CAPs) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction programs

Proposition 1 Grant Programs
Proposition 1 is a State bond measure that funds projects that contribute to watershed health, ecosystem restoration, stormwater best management practices, and the creation of open space. Competitive Prop 1 grants for Ecosystem/Watershed Protection and Restoration are administered by various regional watershed conservancies, the largest of which are the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy. Urban parks can be competitive as long as they include strong water conservation elements and serve disadvantaged communities. The State Natural Resources Agency maintains a list of Prop 1 grant programs, and many conservancies have separate, non-Prop 1 grants of their own.

Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program
The Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP), administered by the State Natural Resources Agency, offers a total of $7 million each year for grants to local, state, and federal agencies and to nonprofit organizations for projects to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by new or modified transportation facilities. The program encourages projects that produce multiple benefits which reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase water use efficiency, reduce risks from climate change impacts, and demonstrate collaboration with local, state and community entities.

Land and Water Conservation Fund
The Land and Water Conservation Fund is a program of the National Park Service that provides funds to state and local governments for planning, acquiring, and developing outdoor recreation areas and facilities. California’s LWCF program is administered by the State Department of Parks and Recreation. Priority development projects include trails, campgrounds, picnic areas, natural areas and cultural areas for recreational use. Property acquired or developed under the program must be retained in perpetuity for public outdoor recreation use.

Urban and Community Forestry Grants
The State Department of Fire and Forestry administers the Urban and Community Forestry grant program, which funds tree planting; urban forest planning and management; land acquisition and reclamation; biomass utilization projects; and projects that combine tree planting with one or more water or energy conservation measures. Applicants must demonstrate that their projects will contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, and the program emphasizes projects that benefit disadvantaged communities. Grant awards can range from $150,000 to $1.5 million, depending on the category.

Prop A Countywide Competitive Grant Program
The Los Angeles County Regional Parks and Open Space District oversees this program that distributes funding from Proposition A, a property assessment that provides funding for open space projects. Grant-funded projects range from tree planting to open space acquisition; hiking and walking trails to beaches; rivers and streams to wildlife habitat. A call for projects typically is held in the spring. More information is available at the District’s website.

*Compiled by County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health PLACE Program
December 2015

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