If you are a parent or guardian accessing this toolkit because your teen is currently, or close to, experiencing a crisis involving physical or verbal outbursts, or even thoughts of hurting themselves, please skip to the section titled What to Do in a Crisis.

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). Mental Health Conditions. Retrieved from https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Mental-Health-Conditions
Talking about mental health with your teen can be difficult but it can also go a long way toward helping them navigate depression, stress, and anxiety. Signs of many mental health conditions are often first observed during the teenage years; 50% of mental health conditions begin by age 14 and 75% present by age 241. The resources and approaches found throughout this toolkit serve as a guide to helping your teen recognize and manage their emotions so that they may better respond and adapt to challenges into early adulthood and beyond. Effective and timely support can help teens stay in school, make safe choices, and stay on track to achieve their life goals. As a parent or other safe adult in a teenager’s life, your proactive and supportive presence will help your teen achieve optimal mental health and wellbeing as they move through life.
As you review this toolkit, please remember that your teen is thankful that you are here with their wellbeing, safety, and happiness in mind. Please know that you are not alone if you are feeling frustrated or uncertain if your teen is experiencing mental health challenges. Your support is incredibly meaningful and helpful to your teen, even if it is difficult for them to show it.