- How do I know I am receiving optimally fluoridated water?
- Answer: Search online for your provider's water quality report or call your water provider to find out the average amount of fluoride in your water system. Keep in mind that some types of filters remove fluoride from water. To find out if your city has access to optimally fluoridated levels of drinking water, please also see our community water fluoridation map.
- Should my kids receive fluoride supplements?
- Answer: The U.S. Preventive Task Force recommends that primary care clinicians prescribe oral fluoride supplementation at currently recommended doses to preschool children older than 6 months if their primary water source is deficient in fluoride. Current dosage recommendations based on the water supply in communities across the county are available online through the American Dental Association.
American Dental Association
- Answer: The U.S. Preventive Task Force recommends that primary care clinicians prescribe oral fluoride supplementation at currently recommended doses to preschool children older than 6 months if their primary water source is deficient in fluoride. Current dosage recommendations based on the water supply in communities across the county are available online through the American Dental Association.
- What forms of fluoride may be used to prevent dental caries?
- Answer: Oral fluoride supplementation, available by prescription, is recommended for preschool children with fluoride-deficient drinking water access. Professionally applied topical fluoride varnishes are additionally to this oral supplementation; these topical varnishes are approved to prevent dental caries in young children. Their advantages over the other topical fluoride agents, such as mouth-rinse and gel, include ease of use, patient acceptance, and reduced potential toxicity.