Oral Health Spotlight


Back to School and Oral Health

Parents and caregivers let’s start this school year off right! In addition to new uniforms and school supplies, consider adding taking your child(ren) to the dentist to your check list and making oral health a priority.

Back-to-School Checklist

Visit the Dentist

Scheduling routine dental check-ups at or around the beginning of the school year can help your child start the school year off right. Remember to ask your child’s dentist about sealants and fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay. Did you know that good oral health can improve your child’s performance and grades at school? Children with poor oral health miss more school days and receive lower grades than those with better oral health, according to Smile Survey 2020:  The Oral health of LA County’s Children.

Pick Healthy Snacks and Drinks

Encourage your child to pick healthy snacks and drinks like nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, and water, instead of granola bars, candy, and soda.

• Brush and Floss Daily

To keep their mouths healthy, children need to brush with fluoridated toothpaste twice a day, every day for two minutes, and floss daily.

Do you need help finding a dentist?  Click here and here

For more information on oral health milestones, visit here..

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