What is LAMB?
LAMB (Los Angeles Mommy and
Baby Survey) is a project sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of
Public Health. Our survey asks new mothers questions about events that
happened before, during, and after their pregnancies.
Why does Los Angeles County
need LAMB?
Before the LAMB Project,
there was no place in Los Angeles to find the information needed to monitor,
evaluate, and improve the health of women and babies throughout the County.
Specifically, the LAMB
information is needed to:
Monitor the Healthy People
2010 goal of eliminating health disparities toward reducing infant
mortality and low birth weight, very low birth weight, and preterm births
Track the health of women
and babies throughout the County as well as specific geographic areas such
as the eight County Service Planning Areas
Identify the specific needs
of different communities
Evaluate the quality of
prenatal care at the population and neighborhood levels
Identify strategies to
address perinatal issues faced by our communities
Assist the County in
focusing its resources and developing strategies based on evidence
Will my answers be kept
Yes—all answers are kept
completely private to the extent permitted by law.
Why should I participate in
this survey?
Your answers to the LAMB
survey are important to help improve the health of and services for future
mothers and babies in Los Angeles County.
How was I chosen to
participate in LAMB?
Your name was picked by
chance, like in a lottery, from the State birth certificate registry.
Will I receive results of the
If you would like results of
the survey, please click the icon to the left of this screen labeled
What if I have questions?
We will be happy to answer
any other questions that you may have about LAMB. Please call us at (866)
706-LAMB. (If you prefer to complete the survey on the telephone, please
call us at the same number).
How providers can help with
promoting the LAMB Project?
Patients who delivered a baby
during the project year may receive a LAMB survey in the mail. We are
asking all health care providers to encourage their patients who receive
them to complete and return the surveys to us.
How have the LAMB results
been used?
The LAMB Project has provided
and will continue to provide detailed information and high quality data to
assist policy makers, community stakeholders and other partners to monitor,
evaluate, and improve the health status of thousands of mothers and their
newly delivered babies. For specific examples on how LAMB has been
used to inform decision making and community actions, please visit
Data to Action
on the LAMB website.