The ABC's of
Child Care: Access, Barriers, Concerns
(2768 kb) Issue date: 05/24/2007.
Report covers the period: 2005.
Access Gaps Among Uninsured
Children in Los Angeles County
(2710 kb) Issue date: 10/03/2006. Urban
Institute Collaboration Report Prepared for
The California Endowment Children's Health
Initiative of Greater Los Angeles:
Report covers the period: 2002.
Adult Disability in Los Angeles
(953 kb) Issue date: 09/22/2006. Report
covers the period: 2002.
Adult Smoking
(864 kb) Issue
date: 12/25/2003.
Report covers the
period: 1997-2002.
Adult Smoking on the Decline,
But Disparities
(890 kb) Issue
date: 11/14/2012.
Report covers the
period: 2011.
Alcohol Consumption and Abuse Among Los Angeles County Adults
(937 kb) Issue date: 01/07/2002. Report covers the period: 1999. Keywords: alcohol, chronic disease, burden of disease
Alzheimer's Disease: An Emerging Public Health Concern.
(884 kb) Issue date: 10/01/2008. Report covers the period: 2007.
(313 kb) Issue date: 09/26/2003 .
Arthritis - The Leading Cause of Disability
(3970 kb) Issue date: 05/18/2006. Report covers the period: 2005.
(319 kb) Issue date: 03/15/2004.
Report covers the period: 2002.
Practices in Los Angeles County
(1643 kb) Issue date:
02/01/2001. Report covers the
period: 1994-1999.
Keywords: breastfeeding, women,
Breathing Easy? Child Asthma in Los Angeles County
(947 kb) Issue date: 05/20/2011. Report covers the period:
Built Environment for Nutrition
(728 kb) Issue date: 05/12/2015. Report
covers the period: 2011.
Environment for Physical Activity
(1147 kb) Issue date: 03/23/2015.
Report covers the period: 2011.
The Burden of Disease in Los Angeles County
(340 kb) Issue date: 01/01/2000. Report covers the period: 1997.
A Study of the Patterns of Morbidity and Mortality in the County Population
Child Care Among
Young Children in Los Angeles County
(945 kb) Issue date: 03/01/2002.
Report covers the period: 1999.
Keywords: child care, low-income, child
Childhood Asthma
(1003 kb) Issue date:
10/22/2004. Report covers the
period: 2002.
Childhood Asthma
in Los Angeles County
(5340 kb) Issue date:
08/13/2001. Report covers the
period: 1999. Keywords: asthma,
smoke, chronic disease,
insurance, activity limitation,
health status.
Obesity: Tipping the Balance Toward Healthy, Active Children
(690 kb) Issue date: 07/2008. Report
covers the period: 1999-2007.
Children With
Special Health Care Needs
(959 kb) Issue date:
06/09/2005. Report covers the
period: 2002.
Health Insurance
(312 kb) Issue date:
02/27/2004. Report covers the
period: 2002.
Smoking Among Los Angeles County
(718 kb) Issue date:
11/16/2006. Report covers the
period: 1997-2005.
Cigarette Smoking in Los Angeles
County: Local Data to Inform
Tobacco Policy - A Cities and
Communities Health Report
(1036 kb) Issue date:
06/22/2010. Report covers the
period: 2007.
Disorders Among Los Angeles
County Adults
(958 kb) Issue date:
07/01/2002. Report covers the
period: 1999. Key words:
depression, chronic conditions,
DALY, disability.
(1000 kb) Issue date:
10/05/2004. Report covers the
period: 2002.
(101 kb) Issue date:
10/01/2000. Report covers the
period: 1999. This factsheet
describes the prevalence of
adults diagnosed with diabetes
in Los Angeles County by age
group, race/ethnicity, weight
status, physical activity, and
regular health care.
Diabetes on the
Rise in Los Angeles County
(830 kb) Issue date:
08/06/2007. Report covers the
period: 1997-2005.
Disability Among
Adults in Los Angeles County
(2422 kb) Issue date:
11/01/2019. Report covers the period:
Barriers to Health Care Among
Persons with Disabilities - Los
Angeles County, 2002
Issue date: 12/08/2006. Report
covers the period: 2002.
Firearm Storage
and Risk to Children
(732 kb) Issue date:
02/01/2002. Report covers the
period: 1999. Keywords:
firearms, violence, injury,
crime, gun
Food Insecurity
kb) Issue date: 04/01/2001. Report
covers the period: 1999. Keywords:
food insecurity, low-income, public
assistance, hunger.
Food Insecurity
kb) Issue date: 03/18/2004. Report
covers the period: 2002.
Food Insecurity
Increasing in Los Angeles County
(2000 kb) Issue date:
09/21/2007. Report covers the
period: 2005.
Food Insecurity in Los Angeles County
(1328 kb) Issue date:
09/28/2017. Report covers the
period: 2015.
Gallery Guide: Get Active, Get
Healthy LA!
(1389kb) Issue date: 06/30/2010.
Report covers the period: 2007. Collaboration with Los
Angeles Collaborative for Healthy Active Children and Los
Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation.
Health of
Angelenos (HTML)
Issue date: 01/01/2000. Report
covers the period: 1990-1998. A
report designed to provide
comprehensive health data at the
county level.
Health Indicators for Women
in LA County 2017
(1998 mb) Issue date: 01/30/2017.
Report covers the period: 2015.
Health Indicators for Women
in LA County 2013
(9910 kb) Issue date: 07/08/2013.
Report covers the period: 2011.
Health Indicators for Women
in LA County 2007
(1628 kb) Issue date: 03/03/2010.
Report covers the period: 2007.
Indicators for Women in LA
County 2005
(1628 kb) Issue date:
05/23/2007. Report covers the
period: 2005.
Health Related
Quality of Life in Los Angeles
(2230 kb) Issue date:
03/01/2001. Report covers the
period: 1999. Key words: health
status, quality of life, chronic
Women: Wellness Across the Life
(1642 kb) Issue date:
10/05//2010. Report covers the
period: 2007.
Healthy Women,
Healthy Children: Preconception
Health in Los Angeles County
Issue date: 03/31/2010. Report
covers the period: 2007.
HIV Testing
Among Adults in LA County
(799 kb) Issue date:
10/25/2001. Report covers the
period: 1997-1999. Keywords:
HIV, AIDS, risk behavior, condom
HIV Testing
Among Los Angeles County Adults
(1032 kb) Issue date:
03/05/2007. Report covers the
period: 2005.
HIV Testing and
Sexual Risk Behavior Among Adults in LA
Issue date: 01/01/1999. Report covers
the period: 1997. Keywords: HIV, sexual
Hospital Practices: Can They
Impact Breastfeeding?
(786 kb) Issue date: 08/30/2013. Report
covers the period: 2011.
Housing and Health in Los
Angeles County
(864 kb) Issue date: 02/10/2015. Report
covers the period: 2011.
How a Belonging
Community Nurtures Families and Children
Issue date: 2008. Report covers the
period: 2005. University of Southern California Metamorphosis Project
collaboration using Los Angeles County Health Survey data.
How Far Can the Healthy Kids
Program Go in Closing Coverage Gaps for Children in Los Angeles County?
Issue date: 10/03/2006. Report covers the period: 2002.
Urban Institute Collaboration Using Los Angeles County Health Survey
Prepared Are Los Angeles County
Residents for an Emergency?
(1718 kb) Issue date:
05/30/2007. Report covers the
period: 2005.
Infant Sleep
Position and Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS) in Los Angeles
(2608 kb) Issue date:
04/01/2002. Report covers the
period: 1994-1999. Keywords:
SIDS, sudden infant death
syndrome, sleep position, smoke,
breast feeding
(303 kb) Issue date:
Informal Caregiving:
Implications for Public Health
(841 kb) Issue date: 02/25/2010. Report covers
the period: 2007.
Caregiving in Los Angeles County
(1138 kb) Issue date: 11/01/2011. Report covers
the period: 2007.
Key Indicators
of Health by Service Planning
Area (2017)
(2608 kb) Issue date:
01/17/2017. Report covers the
period: 2015
Indicators of Health by Service
Planning Area (2013)
(3512 kb) Issue date:
04/03/2013. Report covers the
period: 2011
Key Indicators
of Health by Service Planning Area
(9724 kb) Issue date: 06/16/2009.
Report covers the period: 2007.
Key Indicators
of Health by Service Planning
Area (2007)
(9724 kb) Issue date:
04/03/2007. Report covers the
period: 2005.
Key Indicators
Of Health by Service Planning Area
(3000 kb) Issue date: 03/31/2004.
Report covers the period: 2002/2003.
Report covers the period: 2002/2003.
Summary report of over 60 key health
indicators for eight Service Planning
Areas, Los Angeles County, and Healthy
People 2010 objectives.
Knowledge and Perceptions of HIV/AIDS in
Los Angeles County
date: 12/01/2007. Report covers the
period: 2007.
Los Angeles County Health Profiles, 1997
Issue date: 01/01/1998. Report covers
the period: 1997. Results of the 1997
Los Angeles County Health Survey by
Service Planning Area
Many County
Adults Are At Risk For Heart Disease And
(941 kb) Issue date: 07/28/2005.
Report covers the period: 2002.
Methamphetamine Use In Los Angeles
County Adults
(585 kb) Issue date: 12/06/2006. Report
covers the period: 2005.
Most County
Adults Support Tobacco Control Laws
(419 kb) Issue date: 02/01/1999. Report
covers the period: 1997.
Keywords: tobacco, smoke, cigarette, tax
Obesity and Related Mortality in Los
Angeles County: A Cities and Communities
Health Report
(675 kb) Issue date: 10/05/2011.
Report covers the period: 2007.
The Obesity Epidemic in Los Angeles
County Adults
(1001 kb) Issue date: 09/28/2006.
Report covers the period: 1997-2005.
Practices That Shape The Lives Of Young
(970 kb) Issue date: 05/31/2005.
Report covers the period: 2002.
Activity Among Adults in Los Angeles
(1777 kb) Issue date: 11/01/2000.
Report covers the period: 1999. This
report presents data from the 1999 Los
Angeles County Survey. Level of physical
activity in adults is presented by age,
race/ethnicity, and Service Planning
Area. Keywords: exercise, quality of
life, health status, nutrition,
overweight, obesity
Health in Los Angeles County
Issue date: 03/31/2010. Report covers
the period: 2007.
Prevalence of
Overweight Among Adults in LA County
Issue date: 11/01/1998. Report covers
the period: 1997.
Keywords: adult, overweight, obesity,
BMI, health status, smoker
Recent Health
Trends in Los Angeles County
(605 kb) Issue date: 06/01/2002. Key
health trends in the Los Angeles County
population over the last decade.
Keywords: morbidity, mortality, health
behavior, trend, policy, risk, HIV/AIDS,
disability, burden.
Recent Trends in
Adult Use of Marijuana
(3055 kb) Issue date: 07/26/2018.
Report covers the period: 2015 .
Recent Trends in
Health Insurance Coverage
(1.13 Mb) Issue date: 04/25/2017.
Report covers the period: 2002-2015.
Health insurance status of adults and
children in Los Angeles County and
prevalence of the uninsured by
race/ethnicity, poverty level, and
Service Planning Area (SPA). Keywords:
health insurance, coverage .
Recent Trends in
Health Insurance Coverage Among Los
Angeles County Children
(1699 kb) Issue date: 10/01/2000.
Report covers the period: 1997, 1999.
Health insurance status of children in
Los Angeles County and prevalence of
children uninsured by race/ethnicity,
poverty level, and Service Planning Area
(SPA). Keywords: Medi-Cal, public
Rising Food
Insecurity in Los Angeles County
(1518 kb) Issue date: 07/16/2015.
Report covers the period: 2011. .
Keywords: Food Insecurity
Social Determinants of Health:
Housing and Health in Los Angeles County
(864 kb) Issue date: 02/10/2015. Report
covers the period: 2011.
Determinants of Health : Rising Food
Insecurity in Los Angeles County
(1518 kb) Issue date: 07/16/2015.
Report covers the period: 2011. .
Keywords: Food Insecurity
The Silent
Killer: Hypertension In Los Angeles
County Adults
(889 kb) Issue date: 11/01/2007.
Report covers the period: 1997-2005.

(166 kb) Issue date: 05/01/1999. Report covers the period: 1997.
Keywords: tobacco, smoke, cigarette, asthma, heart disease, chronic disease
Cessation Efforts Among Adult Smokers
(1615 kb) Issue date: 11/16/2006.
Report covers the period: 2005.
Prevalence & Efforts to Quit Smoking
Among Los Angeles County Residents
(1176 kb) Issue date: 04/01/2001.
Report covers the period: 1999.
Keywords: tobacco, cessation, smoke,
cigarette, asthma, heart disease,
chronic disease
The ABC's of
Child Care: Access, Barriers, Concerns
(2768 kb) Issue date: 05/24/2007.
Report covers the period: 2005.
The Burden of
Disease in Los Angeles County
(340 kb) Issue date: 01/01/2000. Report
covers the period: 1997.
A Study of the Patterns of Morbidity and
Mortality in the County Population
The Health of
Angelenos (HTML)
Issue date: 01/01/2000. Report covers
the period: 1990-1998. A report designed
to provide comprehensive health data at
the county level.
The Obesity
Epidemic in Los Angeles County Adults
(1001 kb) Issue date: 09/28/2006.
Report covers the period: 1997-2005.
The Silent
Killer: Hypertension In Los Angeles
County Adults
(889 kb) Issue date: 11/01/2007.
Report covers the period: 1997-2005.
Trends in
Depression: Shedding Light On The
(708 kb) Issue date: 01/25/2011.
Report covers the period: 1999 -2007.
Trends in
Diabetes: A Reversible Public Health
(804 kb) Issue date: 11/04/2010.
Report covers the period: 1997-2007.
Report) (Spanish)
Trends in Diabetes: Time for Action
(997 kb) Issue date: 11/13/2012.
Report covers the period: 1997 -2011.
Trends in Obesity: Adult Obesity
Continues to Rise
(729 kb) Issue date: 10/04/2012.
Report covers the period: 1997 -2011.
(1002 kb) Issue date: 04/01/2004.
Report covers the period: 2002.
Variation in Access to Care for
Low-Income Children with Public Coverage: Baseline
Findings from the 2002/2003 Los Angeles County Health
Issue date: 10/03/2006. Report covers the period: 2002.
Urban Institute Collaboration Using Los Angeles County
Health Survey Data.
What Do Parents
Think? Knowledge and Attitudes About
(1894 kb) Issue date: 06/30/2015.
Report covers the period: 2011.
Keywords: Immunization
Women's Health
Status and Access to Health Care
Services in LA County
(1405 kb) Issue date: 05/01/1999.
Report covers the period: 1997.
Keywords: women, access to care, health
status, preventive health services
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