About Detention Facilities

Environmental Health conducts routine and complaint inspections of local adult and juvenile detention facilities in Los Angeles County to confirm the facilities meet the minimum health and safety requirements set in California Health and Safety Code, California Business and Professional Code, and California Code of Regulations.

The Community Health Program conducts inspections to confirm compliance with environmental health, medical/mental health and nutritional health requirements of code. Environmental health requirements include food safety, vermin, issued clothing and bedding, and general sanitation. Medical/mental health requirements include that plans and procedures are in place, that care meets the procedures, and that record keeping requirements are met. Nutritional health requirements include food service frequency, record keeping, and that nutritional and caloric requirements are met.

The Community Health Program conducts routine and follow-up inspections of jail and detention facilities. It also conducts complaint investigations of jail and detention facilities and provides general consultation with local enforcement agencies. The California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) has ultimate enforcement authority for deficiencies at local detention facilities.

These facilities include Los Angeles Probation Facilities, Los Angeles Sheriff Facilities, City Police Station Holding Facilities, and Court Holding Facilities. The cities of Long Beach, Pasadena, and Vernon have their own City Health Departments and conduct their own inspections. If you have any questions regarding detention facilities in those cities, please contact the city. 

State and Federal Prisons are outside the jurisdiction of the County of Los Angeles. For more information regarding State and federal prisons please refer to their websites:

Report a Problem

If you visit the facility and have a complaint such as cleaner bedding, cleaner toilets, cleaner cells, or nonworking sinks you may File a Complaint Online or by calling the Environmental Health Hotline at 888-700-9995. The Environmental Health Division of Los Angeles county oversees this issue.

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