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  1. What is a Body Art Event?

    A Body Art Event is a public gathering where body art practitioners or artists perform body art activities such as tattooing, piercing, branding and permanent cosmetics on other individuals.

  2. Do I need a permit to perform body art at a Body Art Event?

    Each practitioner is required to perform body art at a permitted temporary body art facility (booth). One (1)practitioner is allowed for every 50 square feet of floor space. Additional space must be allocated if an assistant is needed. Only the practitioner and client are allowed in the booth.

  3. How do I get a temporary Body Art booth permit?

    Submit a completed Temporary Body Art Facility Application along with the required documents at least 30 days prior to the event.

    The required documents include but are not limited to:

    • Infection Prevention Control Plan
    • Body Art Practitioner Certificate of Registration
    • Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training certificate
    • Proof of Hepatitis B vaccination status

    Note: A Temporary Body Art Booth Permit will not be issued until the event organizer has been approved.

  4. What are the fees for a Body Art Event?

    Permit fee for the event organizer is $1,640.00 per event.
    Permit fee for the booth operator is $150.00 per event.

    The body art practitioner registration fee for a Temporary Body Art Booth Permit is $54.00 per event within Los Angeles County.

  5. How long is the temporary body art permit valid?

    The Temporary Body Art Booth Permit registration is valid for 7 days in a 90-day period, or the duration of the event; whichever is shorter. A valid and current registration in Los Angeles County is also valid in another California jurisdiction for no more than five consecutive days, or 15 days total, in any one calendar year. A valid and current registration may be extended to one year if the practitioner is practicing within Los Angeles County at a permitted facility.

  6. Who is required to register as a practitioner in Los Angeles County?

    All body art practitioners are required to register in Los Angeles County, unless they are already registered in another California jurisdiction and have not operated outside the county of registration for no more than five consecutive days, or 15 days total, in any one calendar year.

  7. Who provides the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training?

    Los Angeles County approves training providers that offer the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training. The list of approved training providers is available on the Environmental Health website at, under Business Information and Documents.

  8. How do I submit the required documents and fees?

    You may submit the application packet along with payment by mail or in person at 5050 Commerce Drive, Baldwin Park, CA 91706. Include a business check, cashier's check, or money order payable to County of Los Angeles. Contact Body Art Program at (626) 430-5570 to make an appointment for in-person submission. Appointments are available from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

  9. What are the requirements for a body art booth?

    • Booths must be located within a building.
    • Have smooth and easily cleanable flooring.
    • Constructed with a partition of at least three feet in height, separating the procedure area from the public.
    • Equipped with adequate lighting.
    • Single booth - a 5 gallon container of potable water accessible via spigot with liquid soap dispenser, single-use paper towels, and a wastewater collection/holding tank.
    • Two or more booths - the organizer provides commercial grade, self-contained portable hand wash sinks with liquid soap dispensers and single-use paper towels throughout the event. Up to two (2) adjacent booths may share a centrally located hand washing station.
    • Be free of insects or rodents.
    • Only one (1) practitioner is allowed for every 50 square feet of floor space.
    • Each booth must be at least 50 square feet and be used exclusively for performing body art.
    • No food, drink, or tobacco products are permitted in the booth.
    • No animals are allowed within the confines of the booth.
    • Practitioners must use pre-sterilized disposable equipment, unless the organizer provides a decontamination/sterilization area equipped with an ultrasonic cleaner and medical grade autoclave.

    For more information, visit our Body Art page.

Last Updated: February 2024

Body Art Program

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Tel: (626) 430-5570

County of Los Angeles Public Health
Environmental Health
Community Health Program
5050 Commerce Drive
Baldwin Park, CA 91706